Ibn Rahiqs: ….ala madhahib al’Arab
(…according to the knowledge of the Arabs) (11th) Mekka


Taken from: Volkstumliche Astronomie im islamischen Mittelalter: zur Bestimmung der Gebetszeiten und der Qibla bei al-Asbahi,Ibn Rahiq und al-Farisi

Full name: Abu Abd Allah Muhammad b. Rahiq b. Abd al Karim


Folio 23a.

I say - and God knows best - that all these hadiths (about the Qibla) are meant only for the inhabitants of the area who are there (to be found): these are the areas of Medina (al-Madina), Jerusalem (Bayt al-Maqdis) , Cairo (Misr), the countries of the Maghreb (bilad al-Maghrib) and everything that is from the north. As for the regions which are of the regions of Yemen (al-Maman), al-Zanj and al-Hind, and all that are in the southern regions, they turn (in the opposite direction), and God knows best!