Path on Mount Thawr leading to the cave

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Abu Bakr Al-Hazimi: al'Amakin 'aw ma 'attafiq (d1188) (Book on homonymous place-names)


Taken from:


 (The mountains Thabir in Mecca) including Thabyr Zinj, because al Zinj were playing there and on Thabyr al'aeraj.

Note: At least the following authors have the story of the mountain Thabir or Thabyr or Thaber of the Zanj.

(see my webpages): Ahmad al-Azraqi 858; Al Fakihi 883; Al Iskandari 1165; Abu Bakr Al-Hazimi 1188; Yakut al Hamawi 1220; Muhammad al Fasi, Maliki 1430; Ibn Dhahirah 1457.

Mecca and surrounding mountains.
Mecca and surrounding mountains.