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Ibn Jazlah, Yahhya ibn ’Isa: (Medical Work) (d1100) (manuscript of 13th)


Abu Ali Yahya ibn Isa ibn Jazla al-Baghdadi or Ibn Jazlah, was an 11th-century Arab physician of Baghdad and author of a variety of medical works. Ibn Jazla was born of Christian Nestorian parents at Baghdad. He converted to Islam in 1074. He died in 1100 under the tutelage of Abu Ali ibn Al-Walid Al-Maghribi. A world-map found in one of his manuscripts might turn out to be imported but has so far not been studied.


Taken from:


Map of the known world, Arabic manuscript of the 12th-13th century, from a medical work by Ibn Gazla.

The importance of this map is that it is clearly related to the map of Caliph al Mamoun. Which is found in a manuscript of geographer al Umari.

See my page: -Tabula Almamuniana (833)  (Caliph Al-Mamoun) Baghdad.


The map concerned