Al-Yunini; Dhayl mirat al-zaman

(Supplement to the Mirror of Time) (d1326)


Taken from: Du système mercantile à l'ordre diplomatique : les ambassades entre Égypte mamluke et Yémen rasulide by Eric Vallet


In 666/1268 came the envoy from the master of Yemen al Musaffar Sams al -Din Yusuf (1) to Egypt with an elephant, a wild ass striped black and white, horses, musk, porcelain, amber. He asked recognition and promised to recite the friday sermon (kutba) on his behalf in his country.

(1) Rasulid Sultan al-Malik al-Muzaffar Yusuf I (1249-1295), under whom the Yemeni kingdom reached its apogee.