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Hikayat Seri Rama (a Malay version of the Rama - Hindu prose - in Malay with some islamic adaptations -14th to 16th century) many manuscripts found all over the Malay world.

Taken from: E.C.G. Barrett: Further light on Sir Richard Winstedt's undescribed Malay version of the Ramayana in Bulletin of the school of Oriental and African Studies.


Hikayat Seri Rama is the Malay literary adaptation of the Hindu Ramayana epic in the form of a hikayat. The Malay version originated not from the classical Ramayana of Valmiki, but from popular oral versions widely spread over southern India.  Mahabisnu is an incarnation of Seri Rama.
Mahabisnu (1) now returns to Keyangan (2) and Seds Betara Ludri (3) to tell the maharisi (4), muni, dewa zanggi (5), jogi and berahmana that they can return to their jungle orchards in peace. They would later on be his captains on his trip.

(1) Mahabisnu (Sanskrit Vishnu)

(2) Keyangan (the spirit world)

(3) Seds Betara Ludri: Siva Betara Ludri; here an assistant to Mahabisnu.

(4) maharisi: Sanskrit for "great seer".

(5) dewa zanggi: supernatural being and coming from the land of Zang.