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Ibn Madjid: As-Sufaliyya (First navigational poem.) (the poem of Sofala)(1470)

The Magellan Cloud as described on folio 88v. of the Sufaliyya. (Painting from a Qazwini ms)

Al-Suffaliyah; The Poem of Sofala. Written in 807 verses, this copy is mostly dedicated to navigation in the Oriental coast of Africa—from Cape Guardafui to the South of Sofala. Additionally, it includes a few passages concerning the presence of the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean that were later additions made by the copyist. (Khoury). Once these are removed, the result is a well-structured poem with 701 verses, divided in five parts: I – Routes from India to the African coast; II – The route from al-Sif al-Ṭawil to al-Sawahil (Kenya, Tanzania); III–Navigation along Mozambique’s north coast; IV–Navigation in Sofala; V – Navigation in the islands in front of al-Zanj, al-Ahwar and Sofala.

Taken from: Chumovsky,T.A. Tres roteiros desconhecidos
G.R. Tibbetts 1971 Arab navigation in the Indian Ocean before the coming of the Portuguese
Ibrahim Khoury: Ahmad ibn Majid al Sa-di, fl 1462-1498 ; As Sufaliyya : the poem of Sofala / by Ahmad Ibn Magid; Boletim da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra
H. Grosset-Grange; La Cote Africaine dans les Routiers Nautiques Arabes au Moment des Grandes Decouvertes; Azania 1978
H. Yajima: Some problems on the formation of the Swahili world; Seuri Ethnological Studies nr 43
H. Grosset-Grange; Une carte nautique Arabe au moyen age; Acta geographica 1976

JOUANNES Claude, Mare Prasodum: d'une rive à l'autre (266p) ; «La  Sufālīya,  un  poeme  du  maitre-pilote Ṣḥihāb  Ad-dīn  Ahmad  Bin Mājid», Etudes Océan Indien, 31, 2001, p.35‑114, coll.«Inalco».

The pictures shown under here and the text in red do not belong to the manuscript of Ibn Madjid. They belong to Theodore de Bry of Frankfurt who made them 1598-1603. And they represent some of the earliest drawings of East Africa from Europe. They are added here as illustration only.

Ibn Madjid in his Sufaliya talks about the birds and the sea-weeds seen when approaching the land before seeing the land itself. He was not the only one making the observation. About a hundred years after him the following text got written that accompanies this drawing.
Seaweed and more birds seen [approaching the Cape of Good Hope] during the voyage to India.
The sailors saw many plants floating on the surface of the sea during their voyage to India.  Among these was the trombas, which was a pipe-like growth with its roots floating free in the water, also the Sargasso, which was a large seaweed with pointed, serrated leaves.  The birds included one which was black and white, with a grey bill.  The sight of this bird, along with the trombas, was a sure sign the ships were approaching the Cape of Good Hope.

Ibn majid in his Sufaliya gives the first indications of Zimbabwe and Monomotapa. A hundred years later when this drawing got made not much more was known about the country.
The women of Monomotapa
The best of the legions in the emperor of Monomotapa were women were trained to fight from infancy and had their left breast burnt off, so as not to hinder them when shooting with their bows and arrows, with which they were very accurate, just like the Amazons of Amazonia. These women were strong and sturdy and lived in their own territory, which was given to them by their emperor.  At certain times they went off to visit the men, picking out whosoever they chose. When a warrior woman gave birth to a son, the son was sent to live with the men-folk, but if she had a daughter, the daughter was kept with the women and trained as a fighter.


Ahmad ibn Majid, one of the most famous Arab navigators (mu'allim) in history, was born at Julfar in northern Ras al-Khaimah around 1432-1437. He became famous in the west as the navigator who has been associated with helping Vasco da Gama find his way from Africa to India. This on the authority of one Arab writer however, as the books of Vasco da Gama speaks of an Indian guide. By now it has been sufficiently proven that he was not his guide.
Ibn Magid wrote 40 works of which 39 in verse. Some are brief, but the
Al-Sofaliya is 805 verses, and the original version must have been 701 verses. The rest are later additions, many concerning the Portuguese.  It describes the sea route from India to Sofala. The original text dates from 1470. The additions are situated to 1500 (but can be added even way later).

His Sofalia, lost until the middle of the 20th century, was the guide and textbook for Arabic knowing sailors to help them negotiate the East African coast.

I translated the complete text from Portuguese (the translation of Chumovsky) and corrected it with the translation in English by Ibrahim Khoury and the different articles mentioned above. A lot of the text is about astronomical measurements. My text does not pretend to have those translated without error. No explanation is given so as to understand the navigation of the Arabs. The basics is that they measure the height of a star above the horizon in fingers (isba). For more information read:  Arab navigation in the Indian Ocean before the coming of the Portuguese.

Explanations of certain words are given in the text. Others have a figure between brackets after the word. This means the information is found on the bottom of that page. If the number is red it refers to a map on the following webpages where the name is added in a map of the northern part or southern part of East Africa. If the number is green it refers to the detailed map of the Zanzibar Islands.


(Folio 83 recto)
On behalf of Allah, the good, the merciful.
Glory to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Blessings and peace on Muhammad, His descendants and His friends. This poem (urdjuza) is called: The Poem of Sofala. Its usefulness is in the education of courses (of harbors and landmarks) and of measurements (astronomical) of Malaibar (Malabar), Kabalan (1)(=Concan), Guzerat (2), Sind (now in Pakistan) and Atvah (3), who tie the as-Sif at Tawil (4) 6 (= the Long Coast), and to the as-Sawahil (5), Zandj, Sufal land (6), Kumr (7) and its islands; (also in this script are) of the rare, things relative to all the currents, that one finds in these regions, until the southern point of the continent. They also give the measurements that allows the navigator (mu' allim) to recognize the decrement or accruement (of the stars) in all their places (hann). It becomes the science of the extraordinary phenomenon's, in this way, relative measurements, regions of the Earth, descriptions of the inhabitants of these lands, its sovereigns and the monsoons. Navigating, as they do in these regions, had allowed these navigators to discover new things. It was the place (later) of three (pilots), and the admiring pilgrim of the two Holy Mosques and noblemen Chihabaddin Ahmad ibn-Madjid that Allah fortified with His grace. Amen, amen. (the three pilots are Ibn Madjid, his father and his grandfather.)
Glory to Allah, the not-being created, the un-measurable. Either praised, either feared, either exalted. Language spoken in compliance with the words that give the description - how many things to see in the sea!
Through Him one is not empty handed, in the measurement and routes that we follow in the early dawn, from the land of Calicut (8) to Dabul (9), Guzerat (2), Diul (10) and from there, later, to Hurmuz and Atvah (3) (following the workmanship of the Creator, friend) until the as-Sawahil and regions of Kumr (Madagascar), and until Sofala.  In all cases measuring and sailing from the land of Calicut until ( the islands of) Fal (11), following (the star) Djah (Polestar ) at 2 going up to 3 fingers. Your navigate according to Djavza (star from Orion) (12), and with Tir (Sirius) (13), you must be satisfied with the vigor of the wind during your trip. If this wind is not contrary, and opposing, all the way that you cover so it will be clear, regular sailing going by Kaffini (14). Count, in total, 20 zam (each zam corresponds to three hours of navigation); on this route this wind is called Magrib (West). While on the Fal islands this wind drops, the right one is Fal and of the left is called Kit al-Huzn (15). If your wind blows from the West, against your ship's direction, or the sea is hot, or it rains, these are phenomena's that alternate and happen on the trip. What matters is it to give to a pilot the description of the route or that of his life? Go up and down and find the good wind. Think about this and take your decision. Djah does not set, go to the north if it (the star) does not reach 3 (fingers), according to kamal (the measuring instrument).

(1) Kabalan (=Concan): is the rugged section of the mid-western coast of India.

(2) Guzerat: of Gujarat in northwestern India.

(3) Atvah: here a part of the southern coast of Arabia.

(4) as-Sif at Tawil:Claude Jouannes:

a) The Nautical Instructions (470, L VIIL, p. 322} say: “From ras Auad (6° 18’N) to Garad (6° 57’ N), the coast is low, sandy … … This part of coast is known among the Arabs as Sef Tweel. Landing there is impossible".

b) Qutama locates Sif Tawil between 7° 43' N (around Ras el-Cheil) and 5° 40 N.

c) Commander Guillain, who gets his information from Arab navigators, places Sif et-Taouil between Ras el-Khil (Ras el-Cheil} and Ras Aouad (6° 18° N).

(5) as-Sawahil: literally the coast. Here the coast of East Africa.

(6) Sufal land: the land of Sofala in Mozambique.

(7) Kumr: Qumr; Madagascar

(8) Calicut: on the west coast of the Indian peninsula.

(9) Dabul: see my webpage Note of Daibal (710)

(10) Diul: former city on the Indus mouth in Sind.

(11) Fal: (Laccadive + Maldives)

(12) Djavza (Orion): Rigel, designated β Orionis, is a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion.

(13) Tir (Sirius) : brightest star in the night sky in the constellation Canis Major (the Greater Dog).

(14) Kaffini: Kalpeni atoll Laccadive Islands (close to India).

(15) Kit al-Huzn: metaphysical way to say that in an archipelago one has two opposing islands)


(Folio 83 verso):
This is the island of Kaffini, estimated with the eye. The the seventh star Nach (1) and Zil ash-Sham (Alkaid(2) and Hamal (3)) will be equal to seven fingers minus a quarter (4) and that Ramih and Dhi al Zil (Arcturus (5) and Hamal (3)), these stars in the East, go up to 6 nafs (plus) (6). And when measured and it does not reach 6 fingers (7), then you must stop in a shelter of the island Malaki (8), because of monsoon rain. When in the rain,  let Djah (Polestar) settle in the height (where it gives rest of the disease of rain, the heat and the monsoon in the travels), sail following Simak then Kathir (Arcturus then Vega (9)) (later Djah goes up until coming close itself to 1 entire finger) you reached already Makudji (10) and going to Guizirat or you directed yourself for Zufara (11) or Kalhat (12).
While when going for Zanzibar, the dominating wind on the trip is the monsoon that is the one that blows already the seventieth (days of Niruz) (Iranian solar calendar) that is during the start of the trip; on day 80 you will enter (in the port). There the navigator who is going (to this place) in the 90 day (of Niruz (13)) will not be able to enter except in the special years.(when the winds are different from the average).  But if you hoist the flag of the Fal (Laccadive) islands, and your direction is for Zandj - then hear my instruction. Sail according to the routes of the setting sun and Djavza (Orion star) (10/24 route of the winds-rose of the Arabs) for the as-Sif at-Tawil 6 (Long-coast), and sail to the land following the route. You will find here Suhail (Canopus) (14) and Zalim (Achernar) (15) at 61/2 (fingers) -- know this. If you find out that the measurements from the kiias (instrument to measure the height of the stars) are not exceeded, go west without fear. Later you will see the two Charat (in Aries) in the setting sun, together with the sixth (star) Nach; my experience tells me that! They are 4 fingers in kiias (measurement). Together with the increase of 1/3 of kiias she also increases, (rapidly), during the navigation to the long Coast - you know of bachi! (16). You will not sleep one night during this trip - a great error is not pardoned. Here is the land, its sign are the birds ( al Munig): you must always consider them as unalterable rescuers. He is tired that (bird) that is found (bird) 20 zam away, o navigator. If you see many saving birds, approach with prudence to the land, you will enjoy salvation. Each navigator who governs a boat knows the things and knows to observe. He knows many varieties; of hurnub (17) of the birds, fish and currents, o my assistant! If: to leave of the land of Dabul, follow my descriptions, accept my word.

(1) Nach: Na’ch: the constellation or stars from the Big or Small Bear.

(2) Alkaid: Alkaid is a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. It is the most eastern of the Plough.

(3) Hamal: is the brightest star in the northern zodiacal constellation of Aries.

(4) Claude Jouannes has here seven fingers and three quarters.

(5) Ramih:Arcturus: is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Boötes, the fourth-brightest in the night sky, and the brightest in the northern celestial hemisphere.

(6) 6 nafs (plus): nafas means a surplus of 1/8 of a finger

(7) Does not reach 6 fingers: 6 diq: 6 minus short of 1/8 of a finger.

(8) Malaki: Milikai; Minicoy; the most southern of the Laccadive islands.

(9) Vega: is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

(10) Makudji: meaning the Chief. (the name does not appear in the translation of Ibrahim Khoury.) Claude Jouannes translates it as Mekka.

(11) Zufara: Dhofar: province in Oman.

(12) Kalhat (port in Oman)

(13) Niruz; Nouruz: is the Iranian New Year, also known as the Persian New Year.

(14) Suhail (Canopus): Canope: is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Carina and the second-brightest star in the night sky. The south celestial pole can be approximately located using Canopus and another bright star, Achernar, as the three make an equilateral triangle.

(15) Zalim: Rigil Kent in Centaurus. Ibrahim Khoury has Achernar.

(16) bachi! (this is the rise of the Polestar relatively to its minimum height above the horizon).

(17) hurnub ( or Garbub) (Foetida Anagyris): Bean Clover.


(Folio 84 recto)
Sail for it by the setting of Tir (Sirius) (of Galgos) (1), until the position of Djah is such as was described (2), because it does not diminish and it does not increase. Follow the direction of Iklil ( Scorpion) (3) with security: following it you will sail for as-Sif at-Tawil 6 (the Long Coast) (4), and the navigation will be in complete security. The limit is the Tabkat atol 9 (chorale island) of Mukbil (5) 8 , you continue, if you do not see the continent, it is because you enter in the deep sea and the wrong course, since you are one of the knights of this sea. Its signals are described above. Here is the clarification about the measurements of the positions (of the stars), (experience is in all places an advantage for the man that travels the sea, o navigating one): here is the first - Charat (of Aries) (6) is mentioned, the two to it (Beta and Gamma) and the Inak (Mizar) (7): the regular position for measuring them is on all horizons; but in the lands of the Zindj they are diq (=1/8 of a finger less) and nafs (plus one eight of a finger) in the second climate. I mention them, and others in my descriptions. Still the distances (of these stars) in the high land is: in Dabul similar to the one of Djah (Polestar), that is 8 (fingers); it is this one that is similar for all these stars. Each time the distance of Djah diminishes 1 finger, the distance of other stars diminishes by a half. Measure them and list them. If the measurement that you take becomes 8 (fingers), then to be convincing also use the wire (measurement). You will know that this Inak becomes like Djah and is used like it. If you always measure 10 for Djah (8), your measurement of this bright star - al Barrak (9) will accordingly show in Mahaiam (close to Bombay) 3 entire fingers on the scale (of the instrument) and each time that the distance of Djah diminishes, calculate the increase for this star for one finger, with a sixth part of the finger diminishing (for the other star); I measured this with precision. While to the star Bar (Capella in Auriga), it does not diminish and it does not increase: it has 10 fingers. You can use this to your advantage. It is measurable in all the places of India. 0 my end is here to make known the rules displayed. With the measurement, however, of the flashing star (Inak)as reference, it will decrease Bar in the sky 3/4 fingers, at every headland. Do not forget the rules of the measurement science, know that Bar and, beyond it, also Mirzam (10) 7 fingers from the North star - this in a regular measurement. But in the setting sun these stars (Bar and Mirzam) have eight divisions according to the scale (of measurement). Measure this and it counts.

(1) Tir (Sirius) (of Galgos) : brightest star in the night sky in the constellation Canis Major (the Greater Dog).

(2) until the position of Djah is such as was described: Ibn Majid does not mention the exact value; but JOUANNES Claude calculated it at Djah 4 1/8 fingers exactly. Djah = Polestar.

(3) Iklil ( Scorpion) : It's the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius the Scorpion.

(4) Long Coast: the long strait coast north of Mogadishu.

(5) Tabkat atol (chorale island) of Mukbil: also mentioned by Piri Re’is, at the Somali coast (Long Coast).  I checked it on Google-maps and found the atoll just north of Adale (the former Itala); starting 12 km before reaching Adale and stretching 4km into the sea.

(6) Charat (of Aries) the northern zodiacal constellation of Aries.

(7) Inak (Mizar) (the medium one of the three lateral stars of the Big beer)

(8) Djah: Claude Jouannes has Bar adding that this is necessary when seeing the next lines.

(9) Rigel: A blue-white supergiant in the constellation Orion.

(10) Mirzam: Betelgeuse (located in the constellation Orion, the Hunter)


( Folio 84 verso)
Each time that you observe the decline of Djah, you will see decline Bar with 2/3 with all (its stars). I talked about them in this poem, according to my experience. Your measurements concerning Aiiuk (Bar), will be around 8 fingers. Mirzam increases 3/4 fingers with a tirfa (or Tiriffa)(1) coefficient that indicates how far it must go to change 1 degree of height), o my assistant.. Measure Makil and Murabba (2) (they are known to the master and me), when they enter in the culmination of the Gurab (3) star until the last star of (the constellation) the Ava (4), indeed. (Gurab) is found immediately when it is in line with Makil, but direct in front of Zalim (5) it becomes invisible. Murabba is at 3 fingers and 3/4 at (Ras) al-Hadd (6). (It fits) in the limits of the four (stars) of the quadrangle (of the big bear) and its southern star is placed, by times, above it. The measurement gives to it 7 fingers and a half; the main star is the one that is in the center (Gurab). Measure it and list it, follow it and tell (the result) to all people. This star belongs to the ones that is 9 (fingers)and a half (it is known) at Mami (7). Measure Kalb, later Makil, it will be necessary to count 4 (fingers) above to Mahaiam, until, o careful man, you find the inhabited land (where) Djah will be 6 1/4 - accept the measurement! Kalbs position measures 4 fingers; and that of Makil is known - the decline is noticed: he is 6 (fingers)and 1/ 4, as an initial comment; measure it and list it. It is truth: on the measurement of the stars that go up and go down can be argued. Its measurement tires to dead; the specialist, the methodical scholar only knows it, exactly when if she relates only to this Long Coast (10), I want to say to the land of the Zindj, my friend. I talked about it (of these measurements of the stars) so that you know the spheres and the course of these pure heavenly bodies. Measure Makil, later Kalb according to the scale (of the instrument), and admire the workmanship of the Lord: (when) you measure Djah 6 1/4 (fingers), they (Makil and Kalb) are 71/2; it makes some of these facts understandable. Above Mahaiam they can be 4 (fingers), but Djah is invariably 9.

(1) tirfa (or Tiriffa)( The tirfa was the distance travelled by a ship on a fixed bearing, in order to raise its latitude by one isba-finger.)

(2) Makil and Murabba : Rigil Kent in Centaur and Acrux, brightest star in Southern Cross.

(3)Gurab: Corvi (Gienah Gurab) in the constellation of Corvus: Crow in Latin.

(4) Ava: al-Awwa; the 13th of the 28 Arabic Lunar Mansions.

(5) Zalim: Ibrahim Khoury has here Agena; Claude Jouannes has Rigil Kent (both are  constellation of Centaurus.)

(6) (Ras) al-Hadd: a promontory at the entrance to the Gulf of Oman.

(7) Mami: The eastern point of Socotra.

(8) Kalb: Antares in Scorpion.

(9) Makil is known - the decline is noticed: he is 6 (fingers)and 1/ 4 (Claude Jouannes); this is not correct Makil (Agena) is not in decline.

(10) Long Coast: Claude Jouannes says:  Sif Tawil (the Long Coast) is out of context here and that the copyist must have forgotten a verse.

(Folio 85 recto)
So they increased with 3 ½ fingers. Measure this according to the indications of my description. If you measure Kalb and Zalim at Zagad (1) it will always be 4 (fingers) (in this case) plod to sail following the first one; and Kalb is recognized according to the movements of Makil, to interpret them no movement of the mentioned Makil and Muribba is seen in fingers in Djah, but this is modified in all the latitudes with 1/4 of finger, that way you have to regulate. When, on the other hand, the Tir (2) star is your reference it will decrease Aiiuk in its course: then the height of each star is modified with four units (3). Both (these constellations) are in the West, o captain! In the same way, when the rise of Aiiuk is ended, Tir increases (this is certain). Test them. Your experience will enrich, thanks to it, steer not to the land on them, o observing one. They (these stars) are above of Mahaiam, as is described: 2 fingers, but add 1/2, when you measure Djah 7 (fingers), Tir will be 5 and a bit. And Bar does not decline, does not go up, its stand is 2 1/2 fingers, o praised man! Know the bases of science to measure and do not communicate it to all people. If you leave from Midvar (4) promontory (Ras Madwar), for Samnat (Sumanat) (5), sail with prudence and keep monitoring. These ports are good to enter, and later to leave, as the experienced say. Leave these ports with the diminishing of Iklil and also Akrab (6) in the direction of the end of as-Sif at-Tawil 6 (the Long Coast).
(7) Djirich 10 (Giris) is the port where it (Somalia) starts, to the north of Hirab (8) 11 (region of Somalia). Do understand my list. Hirab 11 finishes, o navigator, in Djardil (Gardil); But at 1½ finger for Djah there is a promontory similar to al-Hirab; it follows my description. If you delay at the beginning of the al-Mariza (a kind of fish sign of approaching land)  one or two days, then you sail following Iklil, navigator, and remember what you forgot to calculate. You will reach the Long Coast. You follow the coast (underneath Iklil) and of course, the continent is always present. Is it necessary to repeat? Look them up you have the data. Notice the increase (of degrees) for the way back, notices them in the way for use on the land. Measure Markab (9) you shall reach the back of Socotra (10) and its coast, Farg al-Mukaddam (11) you will find in the south when Nach (Polestar) has 5 fingers, follow, that admirable shelter! While to the name Farg, (Markab)it must be written (o man) with a Gayn (12) thus said ad- Damiri (13) (we cannot doubt his words),

(1) Zagad: Only Ibrahim Khoury names this place.

(2) Tir: Sirius in Canis Major (the Greater Dog)

(3) with four units: Claude Jouannes says:  This is a mistake it must be ¼  finger (more than Jah)

(4) Midvar promontory (Ras Madwar): In Gujerat North-west India. JOUANNES Claude has: Modern Diu Head, the extreme south of the Gujerat peninsula.

(5) Samnat (Sumanat); Sumnat India: The Somnath temple, also called Somanātha temple or Deo Patan, is located in Prabhas Patan (also sometimes called Somnath), Veraval in Gujarat, India. One of the most sacred pilgrimage sites for the Hindus. JOUANNES Claude has: Modern Somnath Palan, on the west coast of the Gujerat peninsula.

(6) Akrab: The Heart of the Scorpion (qalb al-'aqrab). The Heart is part of the Arabian constellation of the Scorpion (al-'aqrab).

(7) Djirich (Giris): first port in Somalia; Jirish near modern Mereg.

(8) Hirab (region of Somalia): it is a long red coloured plateau about 25 km from the sea.

Claude Jouannes: The IN (470, L VI, p. 413) say: "The most remarkable point of this part of the coast is near Obbia (5° 21'N 48° 32'E), about 6 miles from the sea, It is a long plateau of dark red color, named el-Herab or Gouen, which reaches an elevation of about 380 meters. On a clear day, it can be seen from Ras Assuad (4° 32'N 48°00'E) about 60 miles south of Obbia”. Moreover, J. Horsburgh notes: "The high land of Ul-Herab which is north of Ras Aswad is seen from 9 to 10 leagues", then "south of Ras ul-Khyle (el-Cheil) is Sef Tweel then Herab, Sif Tawil ends at Ras Auad (6° 18'N - 49°05' E) or a little further south, according to Qutami. For his part, Guillain writes: From Ras Aouad (towards the South}, the coast changes aspect … … at 9 or 10 miles: inside, the horizon is barred by a high land of light red color that the Arabs call Djebel el-Hirab". So it seems that the Hirab al-Awwal includes the plateau of Gouen of which the IN (470, L VIII, continued towards the North, for about twenty miles above Obbia, "where the coast rises gradually in a series of terraces rocks 40 to 50 meters high and of a brick red color….… They stop abruptly [a few miles south of Ras Aouad)”. It will be noted that these terraces are probably the Tabaqat of ibn Majid.

Al Hirab (ath-Thani) could be "the rather large chain of sand dunes parallel to the coast" that the INs locate near Meregh (3° 45' N 47°18' E).

(9) Markab: is a giant or subgiant star located in the constellation Pegasus.

(10) back of Socotra: the back of an island is the coast the furthest away from the continent.

(11) Farg al-Mukaddam: the 26th Lunar Mansion (where you find Markab).

(12) Gayn : gayn is the nineteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet.

(13) ad- Damiri: see my webpage Musa Ud-Damiri (d1405); but the information here comes from a different book of his.


(Folio 85 verso):
in his - commentary for the "Used Way"(1), o navigator. Later, on in the book we learn, and we observe with evidence that the Fish (Hut, sign of the zodiac) is together with the Womb of the Fish (2), o friend! On the scale of the instrument they show 51/2 fingers; my description is in agreement to the comments made for the coast of Socotra. But it happens that Batn al-Hut and Furad (3) are 4 fingers there. In Guardafui (4) they move from their places; they circulate in the East and the West. Observe them in Guardafui where they are interchangeable and also Djah (Polestar), in the West and the East without making confusion. But Hut takes time to set during this monsoon, o my beloved! This is the knowledge that follows the nomadic navigator; necessary to them. Measure Ramih (Arcturus) with Suhail (Canopus), in front of Guardafui: you will have 10 fingers, o friend! Djah and Farkad (5) is ahead of you these comments are good and certain in their use.
When measuring Suhail and Zalim, you will see them equal to Djah, o equal expert. At 4 fingers; observe them (these stars) and hold back this explanation as a zealot. If you follow my description in the promontory of Guardafui, and later in Hili (6), you will feel  as if tasting pure wine. When in parts of the land of the Sind (7) going to Zandj, experiment with this, without recklessness, cross the deep sea: on the western side you will have Himar (8), later Akrab. When approaching Socotra they advance. Approach on a western course, o my expensive one! Continue steering on them  They continue from there and turn for Iklil. 0 your way is long; practical navigation and the sustained experience will follow you, one after the other. Continue following Iklil, for the coast, where the cities start. Here you will find easiness calmness and security. You will see Suhail here, later Makil (9): at 8 fingers. Observe them, o man who lives long! But Kalb (10) and Aiiuk (Bar) (11) are to be seen at 3 fingers in the sky and also you see Chami ach-Chami (Castor in Gemini), and Vaki (Vega of Lira) at 41/2. Listen to me! If you see that the directions, my comrade, made in this way, are correct and if you are suspicious of the clear water sea (he wants to say, ports of the Coast), measure here (the distance of) (two stars) Simak (12) and remember them. Velas (the Simak stars) with evidence. They are at 6 fingers in the East. Its rise in degrees does shall be noted according to the sailing distance during the trip. Take care of them to be successful. And you will have the test during this navigation about these rules and you will not forget me.

(1) "Used Way": his exegesis of the book Minhag of al Nawawi (d1277).

(2) Womb of the Fish (Batn al-Hut in Andromeda); Mirach, which is a moderately bright star in the constellation Andromeda .

(3) Furad (Canes Venatici; Greyhound constellation): Asterion star; Ibrahim Khoury has Regulus: is a bright star seen in the constellation Leo.

(4) Guardafui: the point of the horn of Africa.

(5) Farkad: Kocab of the Lesser Bear

(6) Hili: promontory in Malabar.

(7) Sind: now in Pakistan

(8) Himar: Rigil Kent in Centaurus

(9) Makil: Ibrahim Khoury has here Arcturus.

(10) Kalb (of Scorpion): Ibrahim Khoury has Regulus: is a bright star seen in the constellation Leo.

(11) Aiiuk (Bar) Ibrahim Khoury has Capella: sixth brightest star in the night sky and the brightest in the constellation Auriga.

(12) Simak: Spica of Virgin and Arcturus of Bootes - the herdsman.

(Folio 86 recto):
I described them in one other urdjuza; but still they are important here. Measure Kalb and Zalim with the North star at 7 fingers; they are 4 fingers there is Aiiuk and, later also Mirzam (2) with 31/2 fingers. Observe and know them. If you look together at Kalb and Makil (3) you will notice six divisions in the kamal (instrument to measure the rise of the stars). While the Murabba and Zalim (4), are at 71/2 fingers; where the pole star is at 7 at the coast of Gubbat al-Hachich (5). God protects from dirt and misfortune in it. Tir leads to the setting sun with 4 fingers; Aiiuk is 3 fingers here, according to experience. Observe (the stars), (adh-Zira) ash-Shami (Pollux of Gemeos) and (adh-Zira) al Yamani (Procyon of Canis Minor); measure ash-Shami, O pilot ( the star of) Zira  al Yamani an increase of 1/3 finger in tirfa (or tiriffa)(6) verify this. In a similar way, with the decrement of the (star of) Adh -Zira ash Shamani, will diminish al-Yamani. Do not argue. You learn, o captain, his characteristics: for the polestar 81/2 fingers; For Chami ach-Chami and the Vaki star (7) the measurements are equal to the initial rules; it uses them. Here you will find Chir Gumaisa (8) 51/2 fingers and further, they have not diminished. It notices the reduction and the increase in Chir and Zira (9) according to their custom. Its custom for each head to half a finger. Useless to continue the description! The two Simak (10), with pole star at 9 fingers when they are born. They are both with me, 6 fingers is Azal (southern Simak), while Ramih (northern Simak) is 5, this is clear and evident. And when the height of Djah diminishes with 1 finger, Azal increases by half, and 1/8 - you make a knot in the rope (of measurement). But the measurement of Ramih is always 5 fingers. We do not observe them for the navigation, but it is necessary to mention them, in my opinion, o my brother! Because I do not leave a star in the sky unmentioned if in the manual its name appears. But do not have doubt of the measures of the height of Ramih and after of Azal comes Suhail, when it is fixed with the knot (of the  measuring instrument). With the pole star at 9 fingers, as it was established. For Ramih the knot indicates 5 certain fingers. But Suhail can be 2 zubban and 1/4 (1 zubban=4 isba=fingers 6deg 28 '). Understand this reality.

(1) Kalb and Zalim: Antares of Scorpion and Rigil Kent of Centaurius. Ibrahim Khoury has Antares and Agena.

(2) Aiiuk and, later also Mirzam: Capella of Auriga and Betelgeuse of Orion.

(3) Kalb and Makil: Antares of Scorpion and Agena of Centaurus. Ibrahim Khoury has Antares and Rigil Kent.

(4) Murabba and Zalim: Acrux in the Southern Cross (Crux) and Rigil Kent in Centaurus.  Ibrahim Khoury has Acrux and Agena.

(5)Gubbat al-Hachich: the deep of al-Hasis on the south Arabian coast regio Al Ahkaf.

(6) tirfa (or tiriffa): the tirfa was the distance travelled by a ship on a fixed bearing, in order to raise its latitude by one isba-finger.

(7) Chami ach-Chami and the Vaki star: Castor of Gemeos and Vega of Lira

(8) Chir Gumaisa : Procyon of Canis Minor

(9) Chir and Zira: Procyon and Pollux; Ibrahim Khoury has Castor and Pollux

(10) The two Simak: Arcturus and Spica


(Folio 86 verso)
Every time that Djudaiia (Polestar of the Lesser Beer) declines 1 finger, Suhail grows, listen to this, o my brother!
It grows 3/4 fingers - my commentary is exact - Ramih follows the same measurement it is according to my descriptions. If, in a particular case, (Suhail) will be 7 (fingers), in the same time in the north (Ramih) will be 7. Curious fact. Later, this is certain, the height of each star increases with a half and one tenth, you shall remember of what you have observed. All these stars Suhail (Canopus) and Ramih (Arcturus) -- they are luminous. Accept this truth. You see the pole star at 51/2 fingers Murabba (Acrux) is visible. Note it according to my description; While the Zalim (1), is 7 as usual: it does not decrease nor increase. And Djah diminishes. Up to 21/2 fingers. Here (it can be counted) 1 zubban (=4 fingers) to the stars of Murabba; I speak of the measurement up to the water horizon please listen! In similar way to this is Ramih (Arcturo) also 1 zubban. Disclosed is this science, Pilot. (Nobody) needs a repeated description, except a stupid one that is one that does not possess anything with two eyes. When omitting Farkad (2) in its rising, when the high Sarfa (3) is in the top you will have to notice Farkad in the zenith in Ahvar (or al-Ahwar) (4) without positive error. Its original measurement at al-Hadd (5) is 211/2 fingers. This is the regular process (to measure), my brother, verify it for the experience; a process to which I really can give credit. If verified it finger for finger. I measured it 1 zubban in al- Hadra 2 island, (Pemba island to the north of Zanzibar). I come back o navigation of al-Atwah (6), brother, toward the so prosperous region of Kalhat (7). Then, sailing leaving the land watch out for al-Banat (8), along the shore for Ras al-Djamdjam (al Gumguma) (9). In sailing follow Suhail - this and a support - of the eastern side of this promontory for Masir (10), will bring you following Akrab (of Scorpion) in the direction that you want, you sail and you calculate. If this occurs (calculating according to Iranian (solar) calendar ) at the 90th day of Niruz beware of winds in your way when it rains unendingly. Cross not the sea at the beginnings of the currents of air. Cast the anchor and decide to stay. Now you passed where the harbors start. Take information and decisions with firmness. If you want to come back towards the high sea, turn, and you follow your intention and you sail. Cross the sea from Zafar (11) following Suhail: you will see Socotra, who will guide you. When you leave from these islands (12), a good route follows Muhannis (13). Such routes, o my brother, are created for the travelers. You will see Socotra on the left side, turn following Suhail if you are afraid of the water that might poor into the ship stay to the coarse (and close to the coast), and follow, in the same time, the main road, until the road starts that goes to Hafuni (14) 4. But whoever traverses the islands directly by the setting of Suhail reaches the back of Samha  2 and Darza (15) 3. Beware of the islands harm.

(1) Zalim (Rigil Kent in Centaurus): Ibrahim Khoury has here Agena: constellation of Centaurus.

(2) Farkad: Kocab one of the Guard stars of the Polestar in the Lesser Bear.

(3) Sarfa: (Denebola): is the second-brightest star in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

(4) Ahvar (or al-Ahwar): The whole coast from Mozambique island to Beira is known as Al Akhwar (the estuaries). (Tibbetts)

(5) al-Hadd: (promontory in SE of Oman)

(6) Atwah: means wilderness, place where ships get lost. Here part of the coast of South Arabia from al Hadd to Masira.

(7) Kalhat: Qalhat northeastern Oman.

(8) Al-Banat: Strong dangerous wind during the NE monsoon.

(9) Ras al-Djamdjam (al Gumguma): another name for Rad al Hadd; a promontory on the Southern Arabian Coast.

(10) Masir: Masira, a promontory on the Southern Arabian Coast.

(11) Zafar: Claude Jouannes has here Shatar (Jabel Shasar of Sulayman al Mahri which is Mount Funnel).

(12) Claude Jouannes says these are Khorya Morya.

(13) Muhannis: Achernar: is the brightest star in the constellation of Eridanus.

(14) Hafuni: Hafouni: Ras Djafary or Cape Hafun; a promontory in the north-eastern Bari region of Somalia.

(15) Samha and Darza: Socotra is the principal island of the archipelago of four the others are Abd al Kuri 1, Darsa (ou Darza) et Samha.

(Folio 87 recto):
Leave the sea-lanes of Socotra, when crossing from Zafar (1) leaving the island at your right hand side  till it disappears in the maritime horizon, till you can only see it in fine weather, that needs time, clearly these roads extend a long way. Proceed according to your experience, friend. When you move seawards of Socotra Himar (2) takes the way, and leads you according to Akrab (of Scorpion), navigator, until you are surrounded by the Tabakat (3) 7 land in the limits of Djirich 10 (Giris) (4) - use my description! And then there is Hirab (5) 11 of the dangerous reefs, this Hirab (locality in Somalia) it is next to the sea (accept my speech), but, that Hirab, is nearer then the region of al Hirab 11. In Tabakat 7 you will find the Ramih star and az Zil (6); it is 5 fingers according to undisputed measurement. If you arrive at as-Sif at-Tawil 6 (Long Coast), you find this land, whose clean way is not difficult. Take your decisions and consult an intelligent, local guide, one that has the knowledge. You get what you want, o new, ignorant subject. Then from as-Sif at-Tawil until the atoll Mukbil (7) 8 the Coast is clean, very clean. The coasts go up under the form of sand hills. Study its description, o pilot. You follow for a while the hills, the land deviates to the setting of Suhail. It is necessary to know this. The sand-hills spread in the direction of Akrab and Himar, and all over the bay, there is nice wind, but the atoll (of Makbil) comes and at Muruti 12 (8) you meet a hidden reef, covered by the water, o my beloved! Muruti is a reef separated from the land, that surrounds the navigator who approaches and wrecks them- note here what I say! In the majority of the cases the navigator, does not see, nor it, nor atoll, but they feel it, they are next to the continent, and two of its extremities, stick above the sea. Past Muruti 12 sand hills are found until as-Sanani (9) 13; listen to my narration. Al-Murit is 11 stretched arms deep stay away. At times you see here a small mountain extending inland. It is close to the coast; then there are reefs till close to Mogadicho 14. You see the mountain not during the rain or in the dust. It has the name Hirab 11 in Arab; in the language of the Zindj the name is Ghabi, it is a false name, not aa name. It is necessary to see it, but not to know its name. Sail to Mogadicho 14 and to its region; if you want, you enter there, or it directs you, to Markah (10) 15 (port in south Somalia), and, later to Barava (11) 16. Pray you will cross the mountainous plains in one day.

(1) Zafar: Only in Ibrahim Khoury’s translation the word Zafar appears in this phrase.

(2) Himar: Rigil Kent in Centaurus

(3) Tabakat land: sandy shoals near the coast of East Africa, between Hafuni and Mukbil.

Claude Jouannes: According to the latitudes indicated by this author, at-Tabaqat (ar-raml/of sand, known as al-Mahri) would be the part of the coast between Gard (6° 57’N - 49° 19’E) and al- Fosc (7° 10’N - 49° 28'E), whose Nautical Instructions (IN L VII) say: "the beach is backed by sand dunes which form a clearly marked ridge". But in the Safaliya, bn Majid specifies that at this place, we observe Arcturus and Mirphak in equal height at 5 fingers (8° 45’). The Redshift software shows that this observation is made by 5° 32’ N, i.e. a little north of the Gouen plateau, "where the coast rises gradually in a series of rocky terraces 40 to 50 meters high and of a brick red color".

(4) Djirich (Giris): Jirish near modern Mereg. (Tibbetts)

(5) Hirab: there are two Hirab (Tibbetts calls them Hayarab- as found in Sulaiman). The first one is the end of the safe coast beyond Tabaqat (going south) and the beginning of the second Hayarab. The first one might be Haradera while Abgal, a region to the south is the second one.

(6) the Ramih star and az Zil: Ibrahim Khoury has Arcturus and Hamal while Claude Jouannes has Arcturus and Mirfak.

(7) atoll Mukbil: also mentioned by Piri Re’is, at the Somali coast (Long Coast).  I checked it on Google-maps and found the atoll just north of Adale (the former Itala); starting 12 km before reaching Adale and stretching 4km into the sea.

(8) Muruti: is an underwater reef at Itala (modern Adale on Google maps), starting 3 km after leaving Mukbil and stretching for 8.5 km. In it is a passage to reach Adale.

(9) as-Sanani: the channel along sandy dunes south of Muruti.

(10) Markah (port in south Somalia): Ibn Majid is nearly the only author to place the town correctly south of Mogadishu. Al Idrisi (1150); Ibn Said (1250) and Abulfida (1331) place a similarly named place north of Mogadishu whose identification is unsure.

(11) Barava: on the south Somali coast; The Bedouna of Idrisi (1150)


(Folio 87 verso)
Barava 16 is distinguished by seven hills, through which you see its port. Its fourth hill stands above it. On all the sides the hills are abrupt. Enter the port, where you will be sheltered from the elements of the sea and their influence. In the south of the port (Barava) you see an island isolated (1), high and vast. It is closed to all the winds, as the experts say. Perceive its description and do not argue. Go around part of the island and enter the harbor. The people will come to meet you before arriving here.
You start sailing with aziab (the monsoon wind fro the SE ); if you want to enter there, make preparations. You do not want the port, you can sail on along the coast. The land of the people ahead goes on until the end of Sofala (that is the news I give you), until the end of Sofala, pilot. You must have the knowledge, ignorance brings the worst results. Sail according to Iklil (2) (you do not contradict me) for the interior coast of Chika (3) 27; this coast is known. The first thing that you find in this gulf is the island of the region of Djubb (4) 17. You sail to there, 4 zam entirely and full, (in the margin is added or 5) with the wind aziab. From (Brava) until Malavan (5) 19 also 4; keep to my verse and keep the attention.  From there, 6 (zam) distance, and here is finished the region coast whose description is specially described and each parceled out in sand. Here is Bata (6) 21, to the south of which you find the island called: faza ali 20 "That Ali Prospers' (7) and known thanks to this last name. Between the island and the continent is the way. On the ocean side of the island is the reef, but close to the island you find that where she is it is necessary to redirect the course; it is up to close to Vazina (8); the continent is inhabited by tribes, as in Sarik (9), o careful man! To the south of them there are innumerable small islands (10) 18, later big ones, o wanted. They are extending from Malavan 19 until Bata 21. The ones that are in the sea-lane are of equal dimension. The land of Bata is a city of generous people and the cats called al-Zabad (11). And to increase the news on this land, you will make measurements that are clearly known. Above Barava 16 you observe Farkad 4 (fingers) (12), as the Sarfa (of Leao) - exact as an indication. The greater Farkad (13), in the zenith, has a height of 8 fingers and more, without error. The same as above for Djubb 17 it has 71/4. In the region of Malavan 19 it is certain that its position is equal to 7 less 1/3. When you measure it, you will know the way. And when you measure the greater Farkad you know its zenith 6 (fingers), and a half it is its position in Sarik country, and later in its islands, it is known. 6 less 1/4 in Bata 21. And by 5 1/2 exactly (Tibetts has here 51/3). In Lamuh (14) 23 and Kitava (15) 24 measure it and remember you of what you read.

(1) island isolated: Claude Jouannes: the two islands Scillani North and South. On Google-maps called Jilaani.

(2) Iklil: ‘the Crown’; ( Scorpion) : It's the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius the Scorpion.

(3) Chika: Tibbetts: Batn Shika 'a well known bay', somewhere between Brava and the Juba river. Shaqa was a place on the Formosa bay at the mouth of the Tana river.

JOUANNES Claude says: the gulf of Kismayo. (Chisimaio). Ibn Majid (1470) mentions Ras Shaka as Chika and also as Chikala. Also found at Yakut (1220) as Chouqar; Al Iskandari (1165) as Shaqar; Ibn Nasir al-din (1438) as Shuqran.


(4) Djoubb (El Jub); Jubb : a dug, non-masoned waterhole (according to Marcel Devic p70); the name still exists in the name of the river Jubba. Must have been close to present day Kismayo. Is mostly mentioned by Chinese authors: Yakut (1220): town of Djoubb; Al-Dimashqi (1325) speaks about the rivers small and big Djob or Gubb; Ibn Madjid (1470) has the island of the region of Djubb; Fei-Hsin (1436) has Giumbo; Xuanzong Shih-lu (1438) has Zhu-bu;  Zhang Tingyu: Ming Shi (1739) has Chupu; Luo Maodeng (1597) has Zhubu. Some authors say the channel mentioned by al Masudi (916) is the Jubba: : “…Zinj were the only ones who had crossed a tributary of the Nile (the Jubb) which flowed into a bay or canal, which in turn opened into the Indian Ocean…”.

The place has never been found. The fertile, irrigated heavily populated land of the navigable Juba river must have had a harbour.

‘the island of the region of Djubb’: Claude Jouannes says: The island of the Snakes, close to the NE point of the bay of Kismayo (Chisimaio). On this island ancient ruins have been observed.

(5) Malavan; Malawan: probably Burgao (4 or 5 zam away from Juba) (Tibbetts) Claude Jouannes says: Without doubt the port of Kismayo itself. The difference is that Tibbetts adds in the text: From (the island) until Malavan while Jouannes adds: From (Brava) until Malavan.

(6) Bata: according to Ibn Said (1250): Bata at 64 degrees 30min longitude, the first place on the Indian Ocean, marking the boundary between Bilad al-Habasha and Bilad al Barbara: Here Bata might be Pate (in Kenya)

(7) faza ali "That Ali Prospers': Fazali which is Fazi island north of Pate.

(8) Vazina or Wasini: is an island way further south on the Kenya coast. It is mentioned later separately as Vacini. 

(9) Sarik: this is the Ibrahim Khoury translation. Claude Jouannes has: the tribes on the mainland are like thieves. He adds that the Sarik (of Khoury) is on the South Arabian coast.

(10) innumerable small islands, later big ones: The Bajun (Giuba) islands, more then 500, parallel to the coast of the bay of Kiwaihu and bay of Chisimaio. They start in fact south of Djubb (instead of Malavan) till Bata (Pate).

(11) al-Zabad: the African civet cat. Zabad=civet.

Note: other works mentioning the civet from Africa are (see my webpage:) Al-Jahiz Al-Fakhar al-Sudan (869); Shah Mardan Ibn Abi al-Khayr (11th); Yakut al Hamawi (1220); Nur al-ma'arif (1295); al-Watwat (1318); Ibn Battuta and the African Diaspora (1331); Joseph ibn Abraham (1137); Al-Saghani (1252); Nur al-ma'arif (1295); Friar Jordanus; (1329); Cowar el-aqalim (1347); From the Court of Al-Zahir (1439); Ibn al-Ahdal (1451); Ibn Madjid: As-Sufaliyya (1470); Ibn al-Dayba (1496);

(12) Farkad 4 (fingers), as the Sarfa (of Leao): the Guards and Denebola

(13) greater Farkad,: (one of the Guard stars of the Lesser Bear) ; Kocab

(14) Lamuh: island in the Lamu archipelago. Also mentioned by Maqrizi (1441), Abu al-Mahasin (1441)

(15) Kitava: Kitau a town on Manda an island close by. (Tibbetts)

(Folio 88 recto):
Is it necessity to explain to the reader the position (of Farkad)? For love, for pious love of science, it is known: at the beginning of Ras al-Hadda (promontory in SE of Oman) it starts with 21 (fingers) and a half, use the graduation (the measurement) for Ahvar (1) finger for finger for each tirfa, because (Farkad) is above the polar and has here no error or deceit only measuring too wide and too narrow; I tried this, and confirmed it through observance, with certainty: He is 4 (fingers) plus about 3 strait on at Hudani (2) 25. While its height in Hadra (3) 2, is even more approximate. If you do not see Farkad in the previous measurement, and you are having difficulties, measure the height of Farkad according to this description, together with the two Himar. Here is the description: if (these stars) coincide completely in amount of fingers, the subject is clearly decided. From the limits of Ras al-Hadda up to Mafia the difference would not be one finger. And if you make this measurement also, then occupy you with that and you leave us to come back with the explanation of the preceding narration. 0 man who in earnest is the researcher of the roads of lands and reefs of the South, from Bata 21 to Lamu 23, should follow the litoral and the reefs. The land turns from Bata 21 where the land turns for the islands of Kitava 24 and Lamuh, they are distinguished by raised hills of sand (4) (this description is true). The entrance to them is the entrance through the channel, it is the only one. But this channel is long; it reaches Vazina, as they call it. At the entrance of the channel Kitava 24 is found, on the right side; if you understand what you read. And the land of Lamuh 23 is to the left. An island plus cultivated land. Above them you see Azal (5) in the East: 5 (fingers), the same thing, it is truth. Hamal has the same measurement, and Murabba meets 10 fingers in measurement. And the seventh Nach, Dabaran and Bar (6) are seen at 7 fingers, with the eye. And at seven Nach and Ramih (7) are similar here to the first measurement; use this! The seventh Nach with Zalim (8) - 61/2 fingers know them! If you leave them behind you, close to Chikala 27 (or Sakla) (9), o my next, that is a small gulf, o nosey parker!
You go down (then) with the wind chulli (10), pilot: there where the land turns, in fact, ahead of you is Zalvilul (11) 26; it is an isolated island, o brother. In its land and its waters there are reefs, where the winds are firm. Behind it the new gulf (12), before it Kilimani 22 (or Qalman) (13); it needs care and it is vigilant. Later comes Ras Kuluma (14) 28 - port sheltered for (the wind) kus(15) when the southern wind cools. There are no harbors in this land: you can see with your own eyes the gulfs and the promontories. When you go there, following Akrab, later, the two Himar (16), keep yourself on the right course, and check from experience.

(1) Ahvar (or al-Ahwar): The whole coast from Mozambique island to Beira is known as Al Akhwar (the estuaries). (Tibbetts)

(2) He is 4 (fingers) plus about 3 strait on; the translation of Claude Jouannes has:  Five fingers and a thirth at Hudani. (Hudani might be according to the given latitudes in the poem Kipini at the mouth of the Ozi river.)

(3) Hadra (Pemba island to the north of Zanzibar). Yakut al Hamawi (1220) is the other author mentioning it as Hadra.

(4) they are distinguished by raised hills of sand: (Instructions Nautique: The south coast (of Lamu) …. Has a sand beach with sand dunes. ….  The south coast (of Manda) has a range of yellow sand dunes ….)

(5) Azal: southern Simak): Spica.

(6) Nach, Dabaran and Bar: Alkaid, al-Debaran and Capella. Dabaran: Aldebaran is a giant star in the zodiac constellation Taurus.

(7) Nach and Ramih: Alkaid and Arcturus

(8) Nach with Zalim: Ibrahim Khoury has Alkaid and Agena. JOUANNES Claude has Alkaid and Rigil Kent.

(9) Chikala (or Sakla): Claude Jouannes has Ras Shaka, which maybe gave its name to the bay from there to Kipini.

(10) chulli: E N-E wind.

(11) Zalvilul: In its land and its waters there are reefs: , JOUANNES Claude explains: Mwamba Ziwaiu (mwamba reef in Swahili): group of islets formed by sharp rocks 3 miles SSW of Ras Shaka. (Instructions Nautiques; Ferrand): There is a well-sheltered anchorage in 6-9 meters depth, about 1.5 miles west of the highest islet of the Ziwaiu Reef.

(12) Behind it the new gulf: Presumably, the mouth of the Ozi River with the village of Kipini.( JOUANNES Claude)

(13) Kilimani (or Qalman): on the main land behind Lamu island.

(14) Ras Kuluma : ( JOUANNES Claude) Present day Ras Ngomeni, the southern cape of the bay of Formosa/ Ungwana with Ras Shaka as northern cape.

(15) (the wind) kus: kaws; W S-W wind.

(16) Akrab, later, the two Himar: from Scorpion and Centaur.


(Folio 88 verso):
After this, first place you will see is Malindi 29, but before it a long promontory reveals. As to the land towards the North, al-Hawadani (1), watch out for it and do not approach. It takes care of itself, do not come close yourself. And Farkad - consult the description - is 2 entire fingers and a half here . You see here the first one of the mountains Kalfa (2)30, and then Mundji Huzn (3) 31. Read the information on them and you will know them. All this you will find, without a doubt, in two days from the city of Bata 21. Sail following Akrab and Suhail (Scorpion) (Canopus) (you know them), in the high sea during the night. The day trip directed towards the white cloud, the night, accordingly to the black one. But one you distinguish it with your eyes, and the other one is faint in the clouds. That one that you see can be observed between Suhail and Tir (Canopus and Sirius). It is at 10 fingers of Suhail. Listen to this entire narration. From Tir they (the clouds) are at two arrows distance; you will see with your proper eyes as they line up (4). The black clouds are in Murabba (5)-see them at the end of the night; listen to me! They are visible in the season in which one travels to Sawahil, during Tirima (4th month of Persian calendar) when entering Melinda. When the monsoon blows the navigator to the littoral; seeing Tir (of Galgos), she approaches. Next comes Minwafa bay (6) 32, and Mombasa 33 to the south of them.
Here Farkad is 2 fingers, useless to argue; measuring gives certifications. (Mombasa) island my brother is one, and its bay is at the north of Mitwafa, and the routes skirt it, to the left; it perceives this interpretation. When you come close to the south of this locality, you will see three (pieces of rock), pilot. The small rises of land, close to Mombasa (7) 33, you have to observe them from the sea and to remember them, so as to be able to enter surely in the port, without complaining of them. In the entrance, enter, then, in Mombasa, satisfied that the trip went well; here is the place of the commerce and the victory.
If you direct yourself on the hills - hills of Barava (Brava) 16 (I noticed the locality) sailing an entire 20 zam, measuring the two Himar, follow Tir and also, Djavza (in Orion), you will see the mountains of Kalfa 30 (Kilifi). You will see, at a distance, together Mandji (or Mangi) (3) with the islands; you do not leave to sail elsewhere. To the setting of Suhail (Canopus) the road is favorable, and this leads from Mombasa 33 to Vacini (8) 34. Certainly, you must sail 1 zam and a half. Know that Muhannis (Achernar) enters the game, follow it; till the dawn - do not oppose yourself to my advice! I controlled it without sleeping during the night while taking notes: I followed such roads and it will be successful! Navigate here cautiously the west of the al-Hadra 2 island, because in this one they find problems (shallow water), my friend, close to the eastern side of the northern end. If you are smart, watch during the night here.

(1) Hawadani (Hudani) might be according to the given latitudes in the poem Kipini at the mouth of the Ozi river.

(2) Kalfa (Kalfi): Kilifi; is a town on the coast of Kenya, north of Mombasa. But the mountains (Hills) of Kalfa are to the north of it for 30km up to Uyombo.

(3) Mundji Huzn (Mangi Hazan) or Mangi Huzn (or Juzur): At about six miles in the interior, between the rivers Kilifi and Owyombo, a range of hills, 200 meters high is parallel with the coast. Further west at about 17 miles at WNW from the river Owyombo, you see the mountain Mangea avec un pike of 520 meters. (Instructions Nautiques; Ferrand)

(4) This are the Magellan clouds. But they are not between Canopus and Sirius, as Ibn Majid says, but between Canopus and Paon. (Claude Jouannes). On this see also; Hendrik Bate van Mechelen (1281); Pietro d'Abano (d 1316); Yakut (or Jakut) al Hamawi (1220); Ibn Madjid: As-Sufaliyya (1470).

(5) Murabba Acrux in the Southern Cross.

(6) Minwafa bay: estuary of Mtwapa.

(7)The small rises of land, close to Mombasa: (Claude Jouannes): Andromache reef and the Leven reefs and also the Nguu tatu; the three hills visible at the port.

(8) Vacini: Wasini island south off the coast of Mombasa.


(Folio 89 recto)
Vacini 34 looks like this: it consists entirely of problems (shallow water) until South of it, o my brother! The Zindj says that (the problems) are also in the North of  the island, hear them, according to me this seems to be an error, friend. Follow my description - meet the truth. When leaving Vacini, my brother, the sea-lane utile is following Kutba (Polestar) and Muhannis, the careful man, until you sight Ras al-Hamam (1) 4, that is in Zanzibar. The oriental promontory of this (island) - it has the name Minchar (2) 3. Ras al-Hamam 4 and Minchar 3 they are  opposite the south of Hadra 2 island, in the East and the West in the same way.
Between them find the way (3), 0 traveler to Kumr (Madagascar) or Sada 42 its reefs and the islands (4) - that is certain - follow the rising of Iklil, my companions. It is the period of the two sails (5), oh worthy. You have not to steer for al- Hadra 2. I don't have doubt that Minchar 3 then will give you obstacles. Between Minchar 3 and this promontory Ras al-Hamam 4 the navigators get problems (the rocks become fastidious forcing to stop), turn right, and you will find way, pass Ras al-Hamam 4, sail along Zanzibar that is on the left. Arrive in the afternoon, it has there deep water, it is  7 fathoms (6)  deep, or a bit less. You will sail here, until you perceive houses, whose hospitality became proverbial. You will see all the islands, o navigator. Two are to the left (7), and all the others to the right and west (of Zanzibar). It has deep water, o accompanying one. Here is Machiia 5(or Masiya) (8), the pretty white one, a port where blows the wind, aziab (wind from the SE) and kus (western monsoon) (9). That the Creative God be praised. You see Suhail here and Aiiuk (Canopus and Capella), on the same altitude, certainly. They are measured together with the two Zuban ( from Libra); I measured them with the astrolabe here. (0 instrument) it showed 9 degrees and 2/3 of a degree (10), as the rule. 0 navigator find satisfaction close to the coasts of all these great islands - I mentioned Hadra 2 as to Zanzibar-, there are no difficulties here (11), there is water - and between them is the two Farkad (of the Lesser Bear), 1 finger is their measurement, but in the North of al-Hadra 2 island the measurement is 1 finger and more, in front of Vacini 34. Here it is my description. As to coastal lands, fromVacini until here, they are certainly below Kutba (Polestar) and Muhannis (12). There are two reefs with rocks, don't come close yourself! One of them leave it to the left, that is, close to Vacini 34 do not argue! Close to these reefs there is no way for the strait of Zanzibar. Receive my information.

(1) Ras al-Hamam: Ra's al-Humam: The north of Tumbatu island.

(2) Ras Minchar: Ras Nungwi, the northern cape of Zanzibar which is indeed east of Tumbatu .

(3) Between them find the way, 0 traveller: between Pemba and Zanzibar.

(4) Sada its reefs and the islands: harbour in North West Madagascar (Nosy Be); the islands: Comoros.

(5) It is the period of the two sails, oh worthy: the period between the two monsoons when it is easy to sail to and from the continent.

(6) fathoms: a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water.

(7) Two are to the left: so the road passes between the islands Changuu and Kibandiko. (Claude Jouannes)

(8) Machiia (or Masiya): somewhere on the mainland opposite Zanzibar.

(9) aziab (wind from the SE) and kus (western monsoon): meaning port is always accessible.

(10) 9 degrees and 2/3: Ibrahim Khoury has 39 degrees

(11) there are no difficulties here: literally ‘their back is clean’; meaning their coast towards the ocean is OK.

(12) Kutba (Polestar) and Muhannis; Achernar: is the brightest star in the constellation of Eridanus.


(Folio 89 verso)
Close to Zanzibar there are a certain amount of islands 16 of them, almost an archipelago, know them. They are in the south and the west of Zanzibar, my friend! And Zanzibar is a great island, has forty places where you can discharge. It is necessary to follow the coast, a one day trip and you will accept my information. And know from its round shape, that it makes for a vast trip. It doesn't have a sea-lane for it, the way is obstructed by rocks know this. Its northern part of call is Ras al-Hamam 4, and also Minchar 3- learn this! And its promontory in the South, my brother, is called, Samakamand 9 (or Smakmand) (or Kamandasi) (1) o wanted! In the South-West - where you meet Ras Vasfiia 8, (or Wasinah) (2) as experienced people say. It is auspicious and sailing along the firm land, look at it with two eyes. How a pretty place! See Maga (3) 6 at left, it is a head on Zanzibar coast. Later you will sail 1 zam (from Maga) to the island of Mucavva (4) 7, the island is small. Above it there are the two Simak, that is certain. You won't see them hidden, perceive the reality. The island of Mucavva 7 has close vegetation however: it is to the side of several rocks, my brother. It is distinctly seen to the left of Zanzibar, and between them (Zanzibar and Mucavva), there are other islands. Leave them all to the left, and go for the deep, if you arrive at the afternoon, o navigator! These islands are extended to the West. If you pass the night here you will be in danger. You are not safe, when you are close to them, until you continue more ahead, following Tir and Iklil (Sirius and the Crown). Later, of the northern side, they (these islands) have of the coast, reefs and rocks that you see in its proximity. You will approach it and find anchorage sheltered  when kus blows, and underneath (the star) Akrab. Even if you want to give up the deep, you can approach. You sail here for Zanzibar following the rising of Suhail-understand my explanation. You do as you want-you cast anchor or you go for the deep and with the (SE monsoon) aziab. You leave this place, still during the night, following the direction of the rising Suhail for the Kafur 11 (or al-Kafir) (5) island. 2 zam with no contrary wind, the roads are clean, to the right and the left. After a good time you will see the island Kafur 11 and Zanzibar from the high point of the mast: I believe that it is necessary to sail like this. In an equal way, if you want to have clear way in its sea conform you with the two Himar for this sea-lane 2 zam will bring you with no contrary winds upto Ras al-Fil 12 (promontory of the elephant), count (the two zam) from the islands, according to the indices. The name (of these islands) is Sind 10 (or Sunda) (6); they are five; they have anchorage to the south. 0 its name is Sind 10 in the language of the Zindj. If you want to reach its people, it will be necessary to accept my advice! On the reef you will reach them, in its southern part, is  Kamfara (or al-Kafir) island, as the inhabitants call it. You will not leave them without becoming their friend, during the night stopping. On the going or on the return trip.

(1) Samakamand (or Smakmand) (or Kamandasi): (Makundashi or Kizimkazi): For the oldest mosque (A coral stone inscription of 1107 AD) there see my webpage: Yakut (or Jakut) al Hamawi (1220). And this mosque is not at the southern promontory called Kizimkazi Mtendeni (or Kizimkazi Mkunguni) but one village more up north called Kizimkazi Dimbani.

(2) Ras Vasfiia, (or Wasinah): Promontory in the South-West. JOUANNES Claude has: Ras Mkita ?

(3) Maga (Manja): In the margin of the manuscript; Ras Mangapwani ( in Swahili , the coast of Manga ) (JOUANNES Claude)

(4)Mucavva (Mashwa - Pungune island?)(or al-Maswi), JOUANNES Claude has: without doubt the island of Chumbe (also in Instructions Nautiques Ferrand)

(5) the Kafur (or al-Kafir) island: Jazirat al-Kafir which is Fungu Kizimkazi or Latham Island.

(6) Sind (or Sunda): (which are five islands east of Dar es Salaam).


(Folio 90 recto)
The Arabs gave its name: the Kafur 11 island; o known. There, over you the sky is always clear in all its extension. People arrive here of the coast (of the firm land) - she knows! Because the island if found close to the coast, and - the mainland - it is part of the Sunda islands, friend! The way for Ras al-Fil 12 follows the direction of both Himars. And the head 'of the Elephant' (he wants to say Ras al-Fil 12), o nomadic man, is a cliff on the shore, o my next one, and it is extended to the North; you can cast the anchor in it and sleep there. And coming to Sunda (Sudao), follow exactly the rising of Suhail (1), until this island (Kafur) disappears from your eyes, sail according to Kutba (Polestar to the North), aiming it. You will arrive at Ras al-Fil 12 at the reef. At sand bank and reef, close to the strait adjust your measurements and try. When leaving the reef to the right, you will sail certainly until Mafia. And if to continue the trip, leave it to the left, you will sail for the Long Coast, your choice. Everywhere you can cast anchor. Ahead on the Long Coast you will see the plains with roads, there are seven; people settled in two villages 13 here (2). Close to the promontory there is a gulf. 0 the promontory is spacious, a gulf that opens a comfortable entrance for the small ships. When aziab blows very strong, the one that penetrates there enters to the two settlements that are on the coast. While the great ships, cannot enter the port here as the small ones do, because of the reef, which forbids their entrance. These (settlements), close to the strait, serve as signals: I mentioned them because they indicate the way. The northern one is called Chali 14 (Sali) (3), and is thus mentioned; the southern one is known under the name of Mulali 15. From the settlements you see the reef of this strait. There you enter with faith and luck. The water (in this strait) is 5 or 6 (fathoms-stretched arms) of depth. I speak (listen to the description) of the central part of the sea-lane. While to the sides there is little water because of the reef and, after that the coast, friend. In front (of the strait), close to it, it has a little island (=North Fanjove Island) before you reach Kuvala 16 (is Kwale); the port to the side of it is small, but well-taken care of when you are in its latitude: understand: underneath the water it has a rock there. Give attention: the water breaks ahead of the rock, making white foam, it retreads leaving the naked rock. The exposed rock, my brother, appears before Kuvala 16 (Kwale), all are entirely to the left; accept my notes. And, later, Charka 17 (as-Sarqa) (4) island (the Oriental one). You meet it necessarily from the north. The Zindj calls-it Ikuhadjunda 17(5). This name was told to me by an experienced pilot. From the promontory of the Long (Coast) this island is at a distance of 1 zam -keep this information. Sailing, my brother, for Mafia, follow the rising of the two Himar. And another road follows the direction of Akrab, you are on the main lane. Roads to choose by your will, friend of mine! In these roads there are the reefs, that you know is truth.

(1) follow exactly the rising of Suhail: (JOUANNES Claude) This road is not possible starting from Sinda, it goes straight to the coast. Better would be Iklil instead of Suhail.

(2) JOUANNES Claude has a different translation here: Ahead on the Long Coast you will see the giant traps for fish, there are seven; people settled in two villages here. These two villages are: Ras Buyuni and the bay west of it. (JOUANNES Claude).

After having checked the article: Archaeological Sites Survey from Kisiju to Dar es Salaam by Emanuel T. Kessy 1997; I have to conclude that the first village is Pemba Mnazi on the mainland and the second Boza island only separated from the mainland by a shallow creek. And this because only in both these places there are medieval ruins.

(3) Chali (Sali);  Mulali : Shali and Molali. Tibbetts does not see them as villages on the mainland but as islands and gives among other possibilities the Sukuti and Fanjove reefs. After having identified the two medieval settlements in the area I have to conclude that Pemba Mnazi is Chali and Boza island is Mulali.

(4) Charka (as-Sarqa) island (the Oriental one) = The Island Koma (JOUANNES Claude)

(5) Ikuhadjunda: construction with iko + location: Ki-gunda, northwestern island off the coast of Zanzibar. According to Tibbets this is either Pembajuni or Koma.


( Folio 90 verso):
Then sail according to Tir (Sirius) and Djavza (star from Orion), you leave from Charka 17 island. You will cross the islands in the sea following my speech. 0 its name is pronounced: Machihuabili (Masangubili) (1). The northern island is also called Vamlul 18 (2); the one to the south it is long and raised near Famia 19- 0 its name is Falulu (Fulu Lu) (or Fluluwa) (3): full of trees and mud. Between these islands follow the sea-lane, in which is Ceilao (4). They are ports these settlements with each wind the experienced one observes them from Mafia. From Charka 17(5) island you can see Mafia island. Know this and write it down. They are near the coast like (the islands) Kais (Qays) and Handarani (Hindurabi) (6), the similar winds bring you (close) to these lands, o accompanying! When sailing to the Great Sea, be suspicious of the night, be cautious. When you miss Mafia (7) then harbor in Wamalul and Fluluwa (8), then you sail, in these waters, according to Suhail, for Mafia. God protect you from wreckage.. While in the localities there, the way along the coast is due south by Kutba (Polestar) and Muhannis my friend. Be warned that its cliffs are numerous. You incline following Suhail, that you know! Before arriving in Mafia, you will find here a submerged mountain range with a reef (9)20, but it does not belong to Mafia. Turn there, to the right or the left till you reach al-Masiya (10)21, sail following Kutba for Mafia, here is a good island: small, triangular, and cultivated. In truth Farkad is hidden here, and Nach exactly is at 12 fingers, with certainty. The Zindj lies speaking on this subject; because Nach is higher here than other stars, and they deceive people, saying it is more then 12 fingers. And between the two Farkad, the Greater (=Kocab) is 21/2 fingers; I convinced myself with my proper eyes. While to the Minor (11) - my brother 3 1/2 (fingers), according to correct measurement. Is it that necessity to describe this culminating star. It is not dumb, as for Faraqid (12): they contain this in itself, when they arise with the Himars (13) to the zenith, above the South Pole. Measure them, man! And if Allah leads you, pilot, at the end of the sailing season to this sea, leaving from the land of the Hindus if the sea-lane drags you it will not be convenient, but take measurements together with all the things that I indicated for you again. And if you leave Mafia to Kilwa the royal, follow Kutba and Muhannis: you will find reefs and a small sub-water mountain range, close to them (the Zindj pilots call it Mandji (14) 22, the reef found underneath Sahail), until arriving in the neighborhood of the island Kiwa (15); o young men. While to the southern side of Kilva 23(16), all (the reefs) start on your left. Between them you find the way for the traveler. And if you go to far you will see the islands. The first one of them is Vakula 24 (Waqula) (17); it has to the left a long reef that is part of it at its northern side resembling al-Matrad (18). Its exterior coasts, o pilot, are seen from the Long Coast, o eminent man! This island, my brother, has a rounded off form, the bush is seen clearly from the mast. The coast is white, and Mafia is seen from there. Accept my meaning for the trip.

(1) Machihuabili (Masangubili): Mashaikhu-abili (Shungu mbili); Tibbetts perhaps Fili WNW of Shungu mbili. Mashaikhu-abili literally means the two elders.

(2) Vamlul: Wamalul. Tibbetts: perhaps Niororo

(3) Famia- 0 its name is Falulu (Fulu Lu) (or Fluluwa): Fulu; the arabised form of the Malai word ‘Fulu’ meaning an island. (The national language of Madagascar is a Malaysian language) This must be Shungu Mbili.

(4) Ceilao: Ceylon; most probably an error here; not found in Ibrahim Khoury, neither in JOUANNES Claude.

(5) Charka (as-Sarqa) According to Tibbets this is either Pembajuni or Koma.

(6) Kais and Handarani (Hindurabi): Maqis and Handarani on the coast-opposite (unidentifiable villages). Tibbetts: It is also possible that Maqis is on Mafia itself and may be the modern Mbisi (i.e. Mafis). JOUANNES Claude however has more convincing: Two islands close to the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf, in the western Strait of Hormuz.

(7) the verb used here indicates that in case of head-wind you look for shelter and then sail later further on.

(8) Wamalul and Fluluwa: see note nr 3.

(9) submerged mountain range with a reef: Tibbetts: towards Mafia until it reaches an unnamed Zahra (rock above sealevel) and reef (this must be Maduvi). JOUANNES Claude: The Sefo Reef, which has a 4-meter high sandbar.

(10) al-Masiya: Tibbetts; Baida (Boydu Island). JOUANNES Claude: Presumably, the reef covering al-Hadjiri.

(11) Minor: Pherkad is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor. Together with Kocab, it forms the tail of the bear.

(12) Faraqid: two Guards: Within the constellation Ursa Minor, the stars al-Faraqid, al Farqadan (Fraqid Farqad).

(13)The two Himars: Rigil Kent of Centaurus; Agena of Centaurus

(14) Mandji (Mangi): first meeting a small island and reef called Manji (Mange island) (JOUANNES Claude)

(15)(16) JOUANNES Claude has instead of the first Kilwa: Malkuh and for the second Kilva: Khibundu.

Malkuh: maybe another name for Mafia or an error of the copyist. (JOUANNES Claude)

Khibundu: Kibondo island. (JOUANNES Claude)

(17) Vakula (Waqula): Waquza (Okuza island in Pwani Tanzania)

(18) al-Matrad: here a well-known head (promontory) in Yemen.

(Folio 91 recto)
Before reaching this coast, you will see an island. On it you see high, great trees, and they come close to the reef (of Waqulah); they are the start of it. All the full rain clouds pass to the left, of the island. Its southern part is called Kilva-Buni 25 (or Tuni) (1); here the coast is not safe. People sail, in the closed season (2) from Mafia for these islands; and from here it goes to Chundju-Chundju, 26 (Sang Sanguguwa) (3) that is to the right. Listen to my explanation and understand the reality. Later they sail along the coast of the reef, sailing the small boats, with the wind of the South and the entire Long (Coast) is to the left of you; cast anchor, if you want, your choice. Here there are anchorages between the reefs, you find waves; it is beyond argument as is similar for Charka 17 (as-Sarqa) island, north of you. Know that when leaving Chundju-Chundju, 26 according to your plan, you must maneuver thus you are in security. Approach to the deep close to Hanach 27 island (4) to anchor; if you want to leave breach the white before sunrise or in the evening. In fact, it is the last one of these islands of the southern side. Know this.
Before Chundju-Chundju 26 you will find the reefs that you do not know. They are in water less deep then 3 fathoms, without a doubt. And after leaving the reefs you have crossed you see the mountains of Kilva 30 clearly! But to the south of Chundju-Chundju 26 you meet submarine rocks. Take care they are in your way. In the south of Hanchan island (5) there is a reef and a submarine mountain range that partly stands west of it (6). Take care, in its outskirts, in the dark, where to find it, and when to find it, and it takes all your attention. Go for Kilva 30 from the island known under the name of Hanach 27 (al-Hanas) following Kutba and Muhannis until you are on the latitude of the mountains of the North (7). You will see with your eyes a reef 29 to the north: it is the reef 29 of Kilva 30; To approach it you sail along it, enter in the open mouth, you will be save. And from there until the Hanchan 28 (or al-Hanashan) islands is 2 zam, following Mulhannis (Achernar), o pilot. When sailing on the right of the reef 29 watch it before it comes close (you are smart), measure here Tir (Sirius) (you will not enter West of Kilva 30, through ignorance), sail until you can say of the region that it extends to your left and that you have reached the region of joy. Uncurl the flags in safety: ahead of you it is Kilva 30 the royal. And go ahead to all the houses (they are friendly and safe houses of Kilva 30 the royal) come close, people look at your ship and the people look at its wheel, in the port. That you have the health for this excellent trip of yours for this city, and the desire to arrive there, and that you get better than pure gold. About the measurements; Farkad above of it at 2 fingers that we determined, certain information is known. And Aradji (8) here, at the same moment, is at 8; you understand this. Nach at 11 1/2, full ones. This when you arrived with high water, is enough.

(1) Kilva-Buni (or Tuni); Kilwa Nuni (Nyuni).

(2) closed season; sailing season: fixed period with favorable winds (monsoon) that returns every year. Closed season: yearly returning period in which vessels suffer wreckage (the full southern monsoon).

(3) Chundju-Chundju, (Sang Sanguguwa): Songo Songo Island is a small island located in Lindi Region in Tanzania.

(4) Hanach island: island of Hansah (South Fanjove island) Fanjove Island is part of the Songo Songo Archipelago, 140km south of Dar es Salaam.

(5) Hanchan island: al-Hanashan is to the south of this by 2 zam, an uncovered bank.

(6) The reef Luala which has also a sandbank. (JOUANNES Claude)

(7) mountains of the North: The hill Singino (Instructions Nautiques; Ferrand)

(8) Aradji: Phad and Megrez: in the stellar constellation known as Ursa Major


Although Ibn Madjid was not the Guide of Vasco da Gama; Vasco da Gama did write this letter while in Kilwa (here called Quiloa) on his second trip in 1502.










Below is shown:

The Custodia dos Jeronymos (all in enamelled gold.)

As the inscription on it shows, this piece was wrought from the first gold received as a tribute from the King of Qilva in 1502. It was left by King Manuel I, in his will, to the Monastery of Belem. This  marvel is 83 centimetres high. It was finished in 1506.


The central body, between two pillars or groups of columns with several niches, in which are angels playing several instruments, sustains the hostiary, and, beneath it, the presentment of the twelve Apostles in adoration. The upper part, all in lace-work, shows in one space the image of God the Father, with the globe in His left hand, and giving the blessing with the right: the White Dove fills the lower space; and the whole is crowned by the Cross. This astonishing specimen of Portuguese gold-work was wrought in Lisbon by Gil Vicente by order of King Manuel I.



(Folio 91 verso):
While on the way for Mafia, below Farqadan (of the Lesser Bear) looks to the straight route, following the Minor (Phercab), as already said. In the equinox of the two Himar, see them at 41/2 fingers, as already mentioned.
Measuring Nach (of the Big Bear), will give 12 (fingers); and this distance (of Nach) increases your knowledge. When you come from Kilva 30 to Sofala, the way for the land is unquestionable. Nach being at 11 (fingers) you will see Vamizi 31(Wamizi) (1) (island to the south of Kilva), underneath the polar region of Suhail (=South) o glorious man! The island (Vamizi) whose population is Muslim. People sail for it following the rising of Suhail (=SSE). They sail peaceful along the coasts there are here, you sail here in the direction of the rising of Suhail. Day or night, it is possible to cast anchor in any reef, where you will be able to pass. When Suhail will be about 9 fingers, that is an indication for Sindjadi 40 (or Singagi) (2). Its population is Muslim, dominated by infidels. About there is a long, continental reef. Then following Kutba you see Malbaiuni (3) 44. It is a sombre rainy place and ambergris is found there. Here Nach truly measures 8 fingers. I already explained you, adolescent. This measurement is a bit to big; understand the rules, according to my words. From here you move away, in the direction of Sofala, following Akrab and Iklil (from Scorpion and Crown). But, when you leave this island (Vamizi) (4), enter in the high sea, far of the continent and this way, during the day you will make 4 zam, following Kutba and Suhail - accept these words. Later, direct you, following Akrab and Iklil, and you will penetrate the sea at night, thanks to this indication; 0 your ship will exceed by two or three days the machiias (small boats of Eastern Africa), that you will leave behind. The water that you encounter in this way becomes shallower, close to the land. With this, you come close yourself to it; close to Kuvama 47 (or Kwama) (5) is a reef, notice my information. Leave space to the right where the reef is. Sail along the continent, until arriving, o accompanying, to the eminent Sulan 48 (or Sulanyat) (6), that is a reef above Sofala. And everything here is sand, my pilot! You do not meet clay here, nor chorale reefs. Keep Sulanyat 48 reef at right.
This will finish o accompanying. Have confidence, in this strait. You visit the people, close to the strait: in truth you see the region with your proper eyes. Here the water becomes clearer, and the device to measure the depth will indicate the limit when searching for the firm land - consult my manual! If you want to anchor in these places, so be it. Here the land is green; disembark and be contented. You must be afraid, however, of high waves and coasts, because the sea-lane is hidden - accept my advice here! (the sea-lane) can bring you down to Kuvama 47 (or Kwama), land of the infidels. Therefore, inform you on the trips. If it is necessary, to disembark here (at Kwama), before the day, be a watchman,

(1) Vamizi (Wamizi)(island to the south of Kilva): JOUANNES Claude adds that because of the given latitude and the fact that there are Muslims it must be Kilwa Kisiwani (Kilwa island). To me however it must be Songo Mnara island south of Kilwa Kisiwani and very prosperous and a Muslim city at that time.

Ibn Majid adds: They sail peaceful along the coasts there are here, …………. Day or night, it is possible to cast anchor in any reef, where you will be able to pass. Adamowicz 2012 in ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT … states that this peaceful place must have been Tungi and that Ibn Majid commented on the natural anchorages in the bay as being frequently used by mercantile vessels traveling to and from the Island of Vamizi. Adamowicz puts Vamizi south of Mocimboa da Praia. As Jouannes Claude (and also me) put it still in Tanzania the phrase has to become:  … states that this peaceful place must have been Tungi and that Ibn Majid commented on the natural anchorages in the bay as being frequently used by mercantile vessels traveling to and from Sindjadi.

(2) Sindjadi (or Singagi): is in the neighbourhood of Porto Amelia (Tibbets); Sulaiman says it was also called Bandar Darwish which is also mentioned in the Hawiya. Close by there is also a port Sagagi in the Hawiya. JOUANNES Claude says it is the island of Ibo. I also prefer Ibo as no old history of Porto Amelia is known.

(3) Malbaiuni and Mulbaiuni and Mulbayuni: this name occurs often so it must have been the main port for the Arabs. Salt’s map of E. Africa (1816) mentions a name Molembo as the bay immediately to the south of Mozambique island (modern Mocombo); this might be it. (Tibbetts) Modern day Mocambo.

(4) (Vamizi): JOUANNES Claude does not have Vamizi here but Mozambique.

(5) Kuvama (or Kwama): Rio Cuama the main mouth of the Zambezi river. (Tibbetts)

(6) Sulan (or Sulanyat):the translation of Ibrahim Khoury gives Sulanyat as a reef. The translation of Jouannes Claude gives Sulan a sand bank. For more information about this reef see my note on Sulanyat Reef.

(Folio 92 recto):
because more frequent here is the wind of the South, and the water has a monthly tide, o wanted! Close to the land, however, o pilot, is Dilabar (name of the wind) which leads you to the south-west understand my clarification. The sea-lane looks like the one of Cambaia here (port in Guzarate). Understand it before you enter, thanks to these indications, and penetrate here during the full moon. The water in Cambaia is exactly the same. The navigation is best when the Nach stars are 5 fingers ; but be afraid of fierce contrary winds. Leave, however, when Nach is 7 (fingers), up to 9 understand this description. As recognition point is the high reef, close to Kavama (Kwama): my brother. But close to Sofala the reef is different, low. Sail for (don't make confusion), Sofala and the signs to recognize it, and keep your desire to enter in check, now being close to it. To the south the sand hills and coconuts will serve as signal. You will see a strait here, close but with low water; 2 fathoms deep, without a doubt. You will enter in the strait with the full tide - the sea-lane in Cambaia is the same.
In the entrance you will find wood logs as markers for the ships, put by man expecting reward by God. When sailing for this place (Kwama) from Kilva 30, and if you want, follow the coast of the firm land, pilot; therefore then, you will take a small boat, made for these small entrances (when, in the sea-lane, there are dangers of contrary winds that occur, friend) go up to the sea, pilot, and, later, advance for Kilvani (1) 50, steering for the coast is good from the limits of Kilvani 50- to Kavama. And Nach will be 7 fingers - this is good navigation. And from Mulbaiuni 44 follow the navigation routes with good speed, during which you will see a mountain that rises (2) 45. But you will not see in this lane the mountain, without a doubt, except when sailing in the direction of Akrab. Arriving in the mouth during the night, approach and disembark before the morning. You will find the strait, and about it wood logs on both sides.  The fisherman of the place will come to you. In the heights you will see ahead of your Simak; in this way you will enter Sofala and have more information. Here you will find the two Aradji (Phad, Megrez both Big Bear) , with the 3 fingers that correspond to them. While the Hirab stars (Alioth, Mizar, both Big Bear), in truth are six, measure them in a particular way - accept this as the description. 0 it will be better for you to direct yourself, so that you are the center of the trip, from Kilva 30 for here - hear my information-during the fifty days of the start of Niruz (Iranian solar year), and best would be to use the advantage of the monsoon of the first twenty days. While by the time of leaving Sofala to far, it is one hundred and seventy (days of the start of Niruz), without doubt. Know: they are the most beautiful of the monsoons from before and after this.

(1) Kilvani: (Kilwani is the island of Chiloane).

(2) a mountain that rises: Mont Cockburn ( JOUANNES Claude)


(Folio 92 verso)
Leaving earlier (to Sofala) - well-taken care of! - the wind kus (monsoon of the South) is disastrous, later the wind is even way stronger. You go up to the sunrise (=east), 0 its land (is laborious), it arises close by - look at it with attention, pilot. The waves go up in these instances, blown up from the shore. It was here that the Francs (Portuguese) stumbled, they had confidence in the monsoon, on the day of Saint Miguel or so it seems. The waves precipitated them, in these lands of Sofala, (the ships) turning over.
The masts (of the ships) dived in the water, and the ships had been underneath the water, o my brother. Some of them drowned - they know thus what it is the monsoon of this land. But when, after two hundred days (of the Iranian solar calendar), there blows the special monsoon - and the sea is rough; at hundred seventy days (follow my instruction.) sail the sea according to Simak and Suraia (1), going up my brother! 0 the southern wind of the Yemen, Aden to Huriya(2) on the Dimani (3) are similar to this. Know the conditions of the sea, pilot! After sailing till Nach reaches eight and a half (fingers), your route will continue along the coast. Sail for Mulbaiuni (4) 44 and its outskirts. Here, the ship cannot go further. Before this port its opening ahead of you, you will see with your proper eyes two mountains, a red and another white. They lead the pilot to it- he will proudly recognize that he sails in the direction of Mulbaiuni (4) 44. Here it also leads for Mucanbidji 43 (or Musanbigi) (Mozambique island). There you find rest for the ones you care. During one month, more or less, you continued the trip through pearl reefs, as the ones that follow Kalhat (port in Oman) until al Bawatin (5), al-Hawr (6) and Djarun (or Garun) (Hurmuz island) - do understand. The sea surrounding Kilva 30 is not closed (means no end to the sailing season from Mulbayuni to Kilwa) - understand my verse. And above Mulbayuni are our Nach stars, 71/2 (fingers), according to the opinion of all people. From Kilva 30 to sail for the high sea,straight East (7), certainly, you must not sail for Nach, but Suhail, is in its birth (rising) - the charts perceive it. Till Mulbaiuni (4)(8) 44, and remain in the high sea following Akrab - it is the route as for sailing for Sofala, there it will be 6 (fingers) for Nach - understand this description. Take care, do not shorten the measurements. If you commit an error, the world will forget your existence. The navigation is dangerous at 5 (fingers) and a half, because of the southern winds, my brother. I mention Mulbaiuni (4) 44 and its outskirts, in the bay of Moma 46 (or Muma)(9). There are Muslim inhabitants, but at 7 fingers of Nach live the infidels who have come to Kuvama (10) 47; follow the information.
This bay is long, its originates in the Egypt- Nile valley. - Here at that distance. The majority of those living between Sofala and Kilva (or Kagalwah) are infidels, who are called to arms, according to the name of Muna-batur (11), a great king whose will is followed by the infidels. He owns the center of Sofala, because he governs the eastern part of this region.

(1) Simak and Suraia (or ath-Turayya): Arcturus and Pleiades: Pleiades or called al-Thurayya in Arabic and Suraiya in Persian.

(2) Huriya: Khuriya is a group of five islands close to the Arabian coast.

(3) Dimani (wind): southwest monsoon

(4) Mulbaiuni: (Malanbuni) this name occurs often so it must have been the main port for the Arabs. Salt’s map of E. Africa (1816) mentions a name Molembo as the bay immediately to the south of Mozambique island (modern Mocombo); this might be it. (Tibbetts)

(5) Bawatin: the Bays; the bay south of Ras Hafun and the one to the north of it. ( JOUANNES Claude)

(6) al-Hawr: al-Khaur; maybe al Khaur as-Sad, the name of the channel of Berbera.

(7) The ms says west but this is not possible from Kilwa.

(8) Till Mulbaiuni: means here till the latitude of Malanbuni (JOUANNES Claude)

(9) bay of Moma (or Muma): two deg. south of Mozambique island. The Rio and Banco of Moma on the map of Salt (1816). This is also  the most southern place where Muslims are found; Kuwama being infidel.  (Tibbetts)

(10) Kuvama; Kwama bay: Rio Cuama the main mouth of the Zambezi river. (Tibbetts)

(11) Muna-batur, a great king whose will is followed by the infidels: Authors writing about this king have no idea who he is. (Jules Frémeaux, Sofala : d’un pôle commercial swahili d’envergure vers un site archéologique identifié ? 2018) I would tentatively make him the king of Butua which was a kingdom then coming to prominence with Butua having the biggest gold mine at that moment. Butua is also mentioned on my webpage about Kuvama (Rio de Cuama now Zambezi) where the cattle of Butua is mentioned. And also my webpage on Satawah/Satuvah (Island of Macau in front of Sabi river) from where de access to the goldmine is mentioned.


(Folio 93 recto):
You see there the dwelling of the infidels, its borders here. (the king) governs here, from Ahvar (1) until Zanzibar, as much the lands as the seas. He possesses pure gold mines which are found in the region of the infidels with their remote inhabitants. And the mines of Nubia also belong to these rulers; they are in his possessions. These people communicate one with another; a sea separates them and the border, on the firm land, goes down to the sea on the western side. Experienced people, communicated me this news about them. It takes in barsak (ships), brother, seven days, to reach firm lands, o careful man, and to be able to observe the arrival of the infidels. While from the western sea - according to information - one says that these people arrive, they excavate copper to get the white metal (o informer): the silver that is paid with this copper; these people that come of the tribes of the Francs and the (Western) Magrib - understand my words and follow your way, my friend. Take in consideration that the Nile is divided in three branches, without making a mistake. The one of Nubia is the river that you cross in a day, passing the surrounding Saha (or Sanga), o traveler. The second part is the one that passes close to Kavama-described above, by one man who knows it. And the third part is the Egyptian Nile (2). While to the gold, my friend, accept my official statement. Among the people, the inhabitants of the West and the North - I speak of the gold of the Nubia - each coin of Machrafi (3) (or al-Asrafi) is made of it. Knowing this, do not ask more to me on this subject.
On the northern part are some islands. They are on the west side, I know, o careful man. Concerning Sofala - it is from the people of Muna-Musavi (see note on bottom webpage)(Monomotapa), and  the ruler of Zabnavi (or Zimbawi) ( Zimbabwe) -, it is here that the gold mines are, and the slave trade - you are informed. And the trip between (the lands) of the two Negus (kings of the Ethiopia), o glorious man, lasts one month from Sofala to the West, with the border line in Somalia, as people say that have experience. Here Zabnavi governs - and in the South there are no others that are equal to him. It doesn't have, nor in Sudan, nor in its western parts, others then wild places or abandoned islands, this is south of certain oases (4) that I know. I say this and he who knows can control the information. Our information is completed by the Francs that have started to govern the populations in this area, the coast of the continent and all the islands (and its domination on the continent, in its upper part, is known to be until the limits of the sea Zukak (lit. "sea-street", strait of Gibraltar), and unto Kumr (Madagascar), friends)! Also they govern (the Francs) the numerous islands that are in the 20 zam of the lands of the infidels, and the prolongation of these islands in the South. Everything that it includes in this region is different, o wanted! These (islands) are called Sabta (Ceuta) for they are inhabited by the Adwa (5).  And Halidat (the Canaries) - understands what you read: in reality, they meet the west of the waves (end of that sea), at a distance of 20 zam. My islands (Andalusia), is opposite to them, from the Frank; here is the complete information, in part the inhabitants (natives) of these islands are red in color (6) - know this. They consider them as originally of the Saadat islands (7), that are situated further East than Halidat (8); let this guide you! These are all the fragments off land that are (of the Francs) spread over diverse countries and territories.

(1) Ahvar: The whole coast from Mozambique island to Beira is known as Al Akhwar (the estuaries). (Tibbetts)

(2) Ibn Majid speaks of three Niles (he will repeat this further on). The second one that passes at Kavama is the Zambezi river. Note that this is one of the passages that were added later. This episode is repeated later and then it is original from Ibn Majid. Most authors have an eastern Nile but going to Mogadishu. (Nile of  Mogadishu). Also the mistake is made thinking the Nile of Nubia and of Egypt are different rivers. Some pages later this Nile of Nubia becomes the one of Sofale, the western one.

(3) Machrafi (or al-Asrafi): This is part of later added text. The coin Machrafi (or al-Asrafi) is a coin used in Mamluk Egypt and Yemen. That the people of the West and North (Portuguese) used Nubian gold to make coins is unreal.

(4) oases: Which Ibn Majid in his other works situates south of Morocco.

(5) Adwa: is a christian town in Tigray Region, Ethiopia.

(6) are red in color: means they have white skin.

(7) (8) Saadat islands : mythical islands mentioned by the Greeks called Khalidat - Halidat (Paradise) or Saadat (Fortunate) islands in the Western Ocean.


(Folio 93 verso):
(the Francs) they had arrived at Calicut - pay attention to this useful chapter - in the beginning of the year 906 (1,500-1501). There they sold and they bought, as they were able, they bribed the Zamorine and they oppressed the people.
With them arrived the hatred for Islam. And people had fear and anguish. The land of the Zamorine was no-go for the ones of Mecca, and Guardafui became the place of the watchman. Someone said to me that the Francs had come from the Sudan shore and had defeated the Maghrebians and Andalusia. The limits of the Francs, in the North, are the numerous islands that they govern. The region of its people goes to the East and reaches through the South - this is exact - it goes until the borders of Sin (China), brothers. Study my description and imagine this land. To the right of the territory in which are the Turks, Georgians and Armenians - as a narrator communicated to me. Between them and the sea is only the backbone (of the earth); its eastern part is Marfura (3). Let us step to another subject. At the border of the Francs (west) are four islands called Frangiya (2). They are, o beloved one, high (in the South and the North), they are raised, great, and high. Their ancestors come from there. And nobody has ever been victorious over them (this is added in the margin). They are situated (at a long-distance) and have an extreme fleet of ships. Know that this is Bandaki (Venice), o accompanying, the market, of everything what one can find in the outskirts of the Rum land (Byzantium), but is wealthier than them, oh that people. Its description is real - therefore I make it. I do not know what will happen after me. Between them (the Francs) and the inhabitants of India about assault and salvation. I come back to the exposition of my first subject: Nach measures in Kavama 7 fingers. In front of it (of Kavama) a reef is found, a bit to the East, be afraid to sail in this direction, inquire first. They are the sands there towards the setting of Tir (of Galgos) disclose them until you distinctly see them - accept my information. And in front of Satawah (4) 52, o adolescent, live the native infidels, understand what you read! (Tir is) 6 (degrees) in Sofala, 5 in the islands called Satuvah 52 (Satwa?)(5): accept this information! Next comes Manarah (6) 56, when Nach is at 4 (fingers), is an advantage, and Maqarah (7) 54 is on the same latitude in Kumr (Madagascar) - notice it. It does have here cliffs and islands in the reef here. Everything I explain so that you know.
The port of Sofala exports pure gold, and also beyond it in Kilvani (8) 50. Do not argue I simply mention it, o man who asks me, of the coast and the gold mine - accept my indications! More to the south, o my brother, the way to these mines is hard. You follow it. In the southern part of Sofala, after traveling for two days, without a doubt, you will find a port for all the winds 53, and (the stars) Nach (at the height) of 51/2 (fingers) a bit less. After this further south Nach reaches 5 fingers, as experienced people say. After that, the people of Mulbaiuni (9) 51 city, and after Mulbaiuni 51 here start searching: later appears Malabati (10) 55 ahead, the one that is called "coastal land", still it does not appear. Here measure Nach at four fingers. What does it say little people? And later in the South appear the Charbuh 57 (Sadbuwah) (11) islands; there are three: The flesh-colored one, between them, is a friend, it is Vacika 58 (Wasika) (12); here one meets ivory and amber. Here measure Hut and Inak (Alioth and Mizar). Consider the measurement of Nach, friends.

(1) Zamorine : The Samoothiri was the hereditary monarch of the kingdom of Kozhikode (Calicut) on the South Malabar region of India.

(2) Frangiya: land of the Francs.

(3) Marfura (where people live in holes in the ground).

(4) Satawah: Satwa. If read as Sabuh, these should be the islands at the mouth of the Sabi or Savi river. (Tibbetts). JOUANNES Claude has here Matawah, and he does not identify the place.

(5) Satuvah ; JOUANNES Claude has the Bazaruto islands.But I think it is just another way to write Satawah.

(6) Manarah; JOUANNES Claude has translated Qambara and he identifies it as the bay of Inhambane. As proof he gives the description of Ibn Majid: ‘It does have here cliffs and islands in the reef here.’ And says that in the ‘Instructions Nautiques’ the bay of Inhambane is described as nearly complete obstructed by reefs and sandbanks. This is also very visible on Google Earth.

(7) Maqarah : Maybe Manakara  (JOUANNES Claude). But William D. Griffin (2009) did searches at hundreds of coastal sites in and far north and south of Manakara and did not find even one piece of imported pottery. That is why I put Maqarah at Ambohabe at the mouth of the river Matitanana river; the only place where Griffin did find imported pottery. Also Portuguese sources (1506) mention the place as an international trading center.

(8) Kilvani (Kilwani is the island of Chiloane 120km down the coast from Beira).

(9) Mulbaiuni city:  A different Malanbuni, than the one situated more to the North maybe Mambone (JOUANNES Claude). Tibbetts has also a Malanbuni being Mambone.

However I do not agree ‘A port for all the winds, at 51/2 (fingers) a bit less’ is better placed then the Mulbaiuni city at a bit less then 5 fingers. I finally added Mulbaiuni city to the places around the Bazaruto Islands.

(10) Malabati: maybe Ma-Luabo a southern branch of the Zambezi river. Tibbetts has Mulabati or Mulabani perhaps as Morrumbene (JOUANNES Claude).

(11) Charbuh (Sadbuwah) islands; there are three: The flesh-colored one, between them, is a friend, it is: The Umda of Suleiman (he has: Sarbuwa or Saryah at 3° G.B.) adds here that it is really the end of the coast to the South. Sarbuwa: Cape Corrientes (Tibbetts), Zavora (Tomaschek), Bazaruto Island (Barrados). The island of Inhaca, the island of the Portuguese, the island of Grande Xefina: all three in the bay of Maputo (Delaga Bay) (JOUANNES Claude). I follow Barrados and place Charbuh at the very important arrchaeological place of Chibuene. See my note on Charbuh Islands.

(12) Vacika (Wasika): Bucica (Barrados); Maxixe (Tibbetts). The island of Inhaca (JOUANNES Claude) (also in the Bay of Maputo). Barradas, Lereno 1971 in Roteiro de Sofala with good strong arguments defends Bazaruto island as the location. This is very close to the location of Charbuh (being Chibuene).

Tibbetts concludes here that the concentration of names north of Corrientes seems to imply that this cape was really the limit of Arab penetration.


(Folio 94 recto):
They are three (fingers); this was tried, as I described and they have observed it. The ships of the Francs had arrived there, and had taken possession of the island (Vacika), after assaulting it. Behind it you only meet the island Vaza 59 (Wazah) (1), of which nobody skirted its southern side. There are marshes, together reefs and mountains - God only knows them, glorious Lord. Here is Nach my brother, without exception 2 (fingers), after having gone down. This is what you already know, friend. And the firm land, here ends, the land goes to the west until the junction with the coast of al-Wahat (the oases) (2). On the western side appears Tikara (al-Takarah) (3) here, that is, the oases of the deserts of Sudan (4) and others that are in these places. Between them and the mines of Sofala the desert meets, as they call it "the desert land".
The sea this side is extended to the west. Experienced people confirmed it. Its people are red colored (5), because it is cold There is an abundance of these lands, my brother. Here the ships of Francs had passed in the year 900 (1495-1496), brother. They oppressed it for two entire years, and were passing here, evidently, on the way to India. Who searches for Sin (China) watches the dangers; in all other cases he does not have hope. This way the Francs had come back from India and the Zandj and later, in the year 906 (1500-1501), new ones had arrived in India, my brother. They had acquired houses there, after that they were domiciled, they had created friendships and they supported the (governor) Zamorine. People doubted them, asking if they would be wise or thieves; but they, during their trips, would coin currency in the port, the port of Calicut. Oh! If I knew the consequences that would result of them. The people were surprised of that they did. Until the mountains of the Egyptian Nile (6) - see its description! The waters that belong to them are divided in portions, first the Nile with his extension in Cham (Syria) has cataracts - only Allah, its creator, can count them. But the second portion - the western one - belongs to the native infidels of Sofala, people of the firm land. The Sudan lays, my brother, between these two regions, dangerous desert o pilot. The third portion (of the Nile) is the eastern one, close to Kuvama (7) 47 , there it goes in the direction of Suhail. Kuvama 47 (Kwama) is the place of the pure gold mines is Sofala of the rivers (8). This part got measured on the growth of the height (of the stars). The inhabitants of the firm land are at a distance of 1 zam and between them - hidden plains of a terrible kind, full of savages, and fierce animals, elephants that make havoc as a thousand camels and all this in the two thirds of the universe and of all the creation - the North, the West, and later the East; of Africa.- in fact, this third part is called the animal world (of the world). Measuring this part, and the changing of the distance (to the stars). The traveler does not find a guide here; he loses the way between the walla of trees. But close to the coast the navigator can sail for the West, the North and the coastal lands.

(1) Vaza (Wazah): The Umda of Suleiman has Wan or Waza at 2° G.B. Wan might be the peninsula of Inhambana (Tibbetts); or Cumbane (Tomaschek); Inhaca Island (Barradas)

(as does JOUANNES Claude) Barradas adds: Then comes finally Vaza Island, whose perfect geographical description and cosmographic accuracy, lead to the safe identification with Inhaca (R. 94r, 4).

(2) al-Wahat (the oases): According to ibn Majid these oases are just south of Morocco.

(3) Tikara (al-Takarah): Perhaps the Takadda of which Ibn Battuta speaks, a commercial city and exporter of copper which would be the current Tiguida, close to Agades (Air, Niger) or Azelik, 25 km from Tiguida. (JOUANNES Claude)

(4) Oases of the deserts of Sudan: the Oases, of which Ibn Majid speaks in his Fawaid and which he situates to the South of Morocco go according to him up to here.

(5)red colored: meaning they are white.

(6) Until the mountains of the Egyptian Nile: there is no connection with the preceding text, some is missing or as Ibrahim Khoury states: this is an added part.

(7) close to Kuvama: What is meant here is that it is the last estuary and so the end of the area called al Akhwar(the estuaries). 

(8) For the second time the Nile with its three branches is mentioned. The third one to Kavama (at the mouth of the Zambezi river). Other authors all have the eastern Nile go to Mogadishu. (Nile of Mogadishu). As to the second part of the Nile (the western one; Ibn Majid is the only one calling it the Nile of Sofala. All other authors give a description of the Niger river. 


(Folio 94 verso):
We did not finish, one more thing of the Westerners - the truth on them, understand well my friend. They bring zingiber (1) and copper, as the infidels of Sofala and the slave traders have copper and gold and silver. Accept my information! Such mines are only abundant in the West and they are known. The southern part of the islands of the sea are not known without my indications. Unknown are these Rukh (2) islands, where the Rukh surprises old elephants. It grabs the elephant and flies away with it. To the lands of this coast, and the islands - accept my information! These islands seem to be, according to scientists, the Saadat islands (3) - accept the principle. They meet not far of the southern coast, in the same way as Halidat (4); understand what is correct. All the information, full man of experience, keep it. They (the islands) are the start of the dangerous places; remember the indications. On the population of these islands the following knowledge, pilot, is enough for now. Close to them, to the left - learn of my information -, poor tribes live as tall as the arm (5) of the agriculturists of Misr (Egypt). This is also communicated to us by the Franc-Portuguese; this division is made in agreement of words. One has left them, o careful man, in truth, towards the Muna-Musavi empire (see note on bottom webpage). The mine of the gold - accept this complement of information - is more to the South than Sofala; It is called Vadihuria (6).  To sail for it, the last city is called Saiha (7). To the mine from this city one month is necessary, in the northwest direction; its inhabitants are infidels. In these lands the naked savages do not know the Takrur (8) (language) properly.
(Between these lands) there are pockets with muddy water. They are clearly seen. (the savages) They look with curiosity at the ships, close to the coast, (they sail) in its sea. (the sailors) look at the fire and the tobacco that call attention when they see this locality. Entering these places - the desert water seeping from the Egyptian Nile, (o understand my exposition) reaches the sea of the western side - this is what they say. You don't pass here without necessary knowledge, thus I teach what looks like real science. While the Francs - they sailed here anyhow-later they made fortifications. In the first place, leaving (the land of the) Francs, as they told me then sailed to the South-West: a route of ten days with one contrary wind being disastrous, to the coast of the Halidat islands. They told me: after a day, turn from the islands, sail for the South, during ninety days listen to my speech! The water, underneath them, all the time, had the depth of 8 fathoms, without diminishing, this is enough, they leave behind them the islands of Saadat (Fortunate islands). At the same time they were looking for the people of Abyssinia; then they entered mountains, and asked for all the people that frequented the Indian land; - understand here my instruction -.

(1) Zingiber: Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine.

(2) Rukh islands: Giant bird of Madagascar. See my webpage on Buzurg (955).

(3) Saadat islands: The Fortunate Isles or Isles of the Blessed were semi-legendary islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

(4) Halidat: Khalidat; the Eternal islands, part of the Canary islands.

(5)as tall as the arm : This is an allusion to pygmies; but also to the story of the cranes fighting the one arm tall people: see my webpages:  Al-Dimashqi (1325); Al-Qazwini(d. 1283). 'Aja'ib al-makhluqat; Qadi Ibn Sasri Al-Shafi’I (around 1300)

(6) Vadihuria: Ibrahim Khoury has Wadigra; JOUANNES Claude has Wadijriya but nobody knows where it is.

(7) Saiha (Siha): Tibbetts has Singa as the last place of Sofala and this would be Massinga.

(8) Takrur: at the border between Senegal and Mauretania. Already mentioned by al Bakri in 1067.


(Folio 95 recto):
Sometimes they meet in that land sometimes not; because it is the middle of the road to lands as Malabar (1). Six entire months of travel (understand), it has many islands in this trip. Diverse groups, leave on the ninetieth day of Niruz (solar calendar). Its warriors are rich of experience (they have been to all the islands; its men had governed in many places). They follow exactly the information on the route; remember it so as to understand this sea, all is mentioned in my descriptions. My aspiration is that you increase and you perfect your knowledge of this sea, even after my death, o noble man, because the Francs will not leave these people, and its science must be known. If your days and nights will become many you will be happy to die, o men. If I continue to live until a time of peace, I will congregate all the knowledge, worth to be known of all the northern lands of Rum (Byzantium), and, later, of Sin (China), and I will not hide it. While (navigating) Sofala and the as-Sawahil (2), arriving at its oriental part do not fear. Here are the signs of the sea to Kumr and the islands that you find between it and the coast of the continent: the most known of these islands is Angazidja 37 (Angaziga) (Grand Comoro) (3), o accompanying; it is west of all the other islands, according to explanation. Here Nach is 11 1/4 (fingers). And a considerable island - listen. Of this until Kumr the way leads East - you can choose (accept the information of a friend); and you will arrive at these islands, Kumr is found underneath of Farkad and Nach (4) - It is there exactly. And the southern point of Kumr is underneath the polar region of Suhail - without mistake - underneath Farkad, as (the city of) Sofala. And of Ahvar until the limits of Djubb (5) 17 and to the land of Mogadicho 14 (al-Maqdis) (Mogadishu)- and beyond they (these stars) decline following Nach. Altitude measures above of islands (in such a way as is known to men), later observe the ascent (of the measurements) above of the as-Sawahil (2). I am not aware that this is suspicious science, friend! If in it (Hawiya)(manual of navigation of Ibn-Madjid) the names are different, then it is necessary to believe the present redaction. I am taught that below 10 (fingers) there are situated Midvar (or Madwar) and Diu (6), while both are assigned the same locality. Follow this education!
(Also below 10deg) Muhaiam (Mayaham) and Tana(h), Nahravara(h) (or Dahrawi) (7)-accept this explanation! Another part, in Sadjir (or Sagir) (8), and later in Zufar (or Zafar) (note for yourself these signs) and also in the unknown seas, they are up to 7 fingers.   Similar indications are found in old rahmanadj (old Iranian script). Other names are used, they are changed; the best ones of them had been known since long. Accept the measurement of Dumuni 39 (Anjouan island of the Comoros) of 11 (fingers), at 20 zam of Vamiz (Wamizi) (9) in the high sea. And from Kitava 24, following Suhail to Dumuni - and you will see the islands. These people they sell and they buy (in these islands). While Dumuni 39 (Damuni), is close to that place of Dibu (Diabwa) (10). In Dumuni 39 Nach is 101/2 fingers. On this occasion, it measures in Sada (11) 42 10 (fingers) as usual. This place is at the East side of the islands. Measure Nach in Landjani (12) 41 - it is 9 (fingers), this is enough, my brother. It is more than 30 zam of the coast of Ahvar (13). Believe my word! Go for the five (here mentioned) islands that are known; here you sell and purchase, with the people. When the Nach stars disappear - o men you will finish in Kumr. Note the information. Therefore, (Dumuni) is one of the islands of Comoro, islands of the land of Kumr, the navigators come to it -accept this indication, people that sail! While islands that are abandoned, are abandoned of live. Useless to prolong the text! But you must measure the southern point of Kumr measure Nach - it is its true name, my friend.

(1) Malabar: India's southwestern coast.

(2) as-Sawahil. : literally the coast. Here the coast of East Africa.

(3) Angazidja (Angaziga) (Grand Comoro)

(4) Farkad and Nach: of little bear and Great Bear.

(5) Djubb: Djoubb (El Jub): a dug, non-masoned waterhole (according to Marcel Devic p70); the name still exists in the name of the river Jubba. Must have been close to present day Kismayo. Is mostly mentioned by Chinese authors: Yakut (1220); Al-Dimashqi (1325); Fei-Hsin (1436) has Giumbo; Xuanzong Shih-lu (1438) has Zhu-bu;  Zhang, Tingyu: Ming Shi (1739); Luo Maodeng (1597); Taizong Shi lu (1430). Some authors say the channel mentioned by al Masudi (916) is the Jubba: “…Zinj were the only ones who had crossed a tributary of the Nile (the Jubb) which flowed into a bay or canal, which in turn opened into the Indian Ocean…”.

(6) Midvar (or Madwar) and Diu: Midvar promontory (Ras Madwar): In Gujerat North-west India. JOUANNES Claude has: Modern Diu Head, the extreme south of the Gujerat peninsula.

(7) Muhaiam (Mayaham) and Tana(h), Nahravara(h) (or Dahrawi): These three places are close to Bombay.

(8) Sadjir (or Sagir): Ras Seger, on the south Arabian coast. (JOUANNES Claude)

(9) Vamiz (Wamizi): Ras Wambi, the mouth of the river Sudi. (JOUANNES Claude). I do not agree with this. According to me Vamizi = Songo Mnara island mentioned earlier.

(10) Dibu (Diabwa): Dibadjat; Dvipa=Island: Maldives.

(11) Sada: (on the west coast of Madagascar at 10 deg G.B, the ford of Sada still exist).

(12) Landjani: North-west coast of Madagascar; Tibbetts says it is Lulugan (of the Hawiya) now Nosy Longany.

(13) coast of Ahvar: The whole coast from Mozambique island to Beira is known as Al Akhwar (the estuaries). (Tibbetts)


(Folio 95 verso):
Also measure the northern point - where Nach is 11 fingers - 20 zam from Munavvara 36 (or Munawwarah) (1) island. (this island) is situated in the East, pilot, and its coast is much further in the sea then Tira Raga (2), my brother. Of the islands until the coast of the continent it is three days of navigation, at least.
Some of the islands are close to the coast; the navigator sets out with the wind of the two sails (3); the other islands, still with the spear (of the wind) kus (the western monsoon) not; you will get there only by leaving from Ahvar (al-Ahwar). But, here the crossing is similar to Socotra. - I Know them. (The extend of all these islands ) from Kitava (4) 24 until the Ras al-Milh (5) 38, according to Tir, o pilot (I speak with veracity). And if to come to Dumuni 39, from Mombasa 33, learn these expressions: 0 to be born (means rising of), of both the Himar; the route of Zanzibar for Dumuni 39 follow the birth of Kalba (6); while for Kilva 30, for it sail following Tir - consult my notation!  And Sofala and Ahvar pilots rarely travel to the islands do not contest this. When traveling for the localities of the South (and for some between them) they sail once in several years. To the east of Kumr they find some islands: of them a man of full experience spoke to me, expert in these things. At the same time we hear a surprising communication of an admirable expert, very intelligent. These islands are considered as extending to the zone of the North, and they are in the East, in the direction of Barava 16, Djubbe 17 with Kitava (4) 24, and of Mombasa 33-understand what you read! Consider yourself, adolescent, a part of these islands are called Zarrin (7) 35 understand them! The news came that testified this information (among the Zandj), you find al-qusus (qushush) and as-sugur(shujur)(8) in that place, O colleague. Al-qurus, the birds, al-qadd, and al-qarfa (9) are so numerous, be informed, and we imagine that we are in the sea or have the mountains - of the sea. When we hear information on this land, all the doubt on it disappeared. These islands are separate one of the other - my education makes it understandable! 0 traveler. See them, when leaving to the sea, when being afraid of the contrary wind and directing yourself to reach Hadra 2, during the rare years of travels. Certain natives sail for Zanzibar on the long coasts, and not the western side. Follow my interpretation and verify it. I interpreted this, o accompanying, but the responsibility of this is with the one that communicated it to me, it is according to his promise. The Francs had said the truth: "We discovered them (the islands) on our way". The coastal monsoon, in the direction of Kumr, of the islands and Sofala - it learns, - remains from the start of the Niruz, during seventy days; but for the inhabitants of Kilva 30, it keeps longer to the 90th day. You need to leave on the one hundred and seventy days (of Niruz) to sail of Sofala, without a doubt. (more or less- inform you). While its monsoon (of Sofala), the last twenty days of the Niruz, I already mentioned more about it above, amiable man. In Sofala there do not blow other monsoons, think and take the decisions. On the other hand, for Ahvar (el-Ahwar), and later for Kumr, there is a common season (according to what my informers say), during the year it can be used two or three times. If however, you go for Angazidja 37, you find, at a hundredth days of Niruz, the most convenient monsoon for the navigator who advances, amiable man. But by a light wind not a violent wind. But to go there, to have success, the monsoon, Dimani for the return is an additional season, o pilot!

(1) Munavvara (or Munawwarah) island: literally Illuminated. Tibbetts has Manura which might be the Farquhar islands 20 zam east of Ras al-Milh (most northern point of Madagascar).

(2) Tira Raga: also mentioned by Sulayman al Mahri as Tirzakha at 12 zam SE from Qumr; maybe Mascarene islands.

(3) the wind of the two sails: the period between the two monsoons when it is easy to sail to and from the continent.

(4) Kitava: Ras Kitao on Manda island; Lamu archipelago in Kenya

(5) Ras al-Milh: Cape Amber (Madagascar)

(6) Kalba: in Scorpion; The Heart of the Scorpion (qalb al-'aqrab).

(7) islands are called Zarrin: group of islands far in the ocean east from Mombasa (Seychelles).

(8) Muvdja as-Salib: island that is on the border between the Indian and Pacific Ocean (in Idris-1150 Work).

(8) on the islands east of Qumr one finds mostly vegetal material brought by the sea. These two foreign words have as roots ‘straw’ and ‘tree’.

(9) left overs.


(Folio 96 recto):
The departure of the inhabitants of Kumr for as-Sawahil has two seasons - you learn it when you ask. I told this to you so it will allow you to choose the route, to pass in this sea in your lifetime. You will find here the confirmation of my words and the truth of my view; with effect, it is the result of the great knowledge of my spirit. Certainly enter both - the continent and Kumr (Madagascar) - the distance is 8 zam for the southern point of Kumr (1), o wanted. I cite the true name of Kumr, according to its pronunciation sounds thus listen to the information.
I told you what is necessary for the trip. But how many islands more and how many other places exist still! There still is the islands of the women in which the unlucky wrecked is alone and does not have a friend, on islands of the Rukh bird, the dwarfs (2) who are the descendants of Adam ( know it), when (only) minute divisions are (unknown) in the measurement of the stars and the routes, reefs and the islands without men, the elements of the water and the port where you approach, - for a courageous man the interest in itself will exactly be the reason of everything. Search more precision and test to get the result, o pilot, and later define it. In conclusion: have confidence in this (urdjuza) of Sofala, it will serve you of faithful guide for the South; accept these speeches. No other one exists about this way. But, of course, the proper knowledge is still more important. You will increase your knowledge in this direction - now science and art come from the Francs. Lately in stages: they have conquered the region of Hodeida (3) - know it.
This Urdjuza has seven hundred verses stated here exceeding one. Accordingly remember the words of Ahmad as-Sadi (Ibn-Madjid). That mission in life and death comes of Allah, who pardons the errors. I transposed (the words) in verses, and I do not see what it can ask; with effect, no question is imposed, nor to those who asked for it, nor for those that want to perfect it itself, nor to the ones that do not ask for anything. I learned (this urdjuza) during the life of the pilot, who is informed of it and the difficulties that it presents in its interpretation. 0 governor of the people remember the trip, following my route, and receive information that is a victory. Clearly the one that comes with its proper eyes will be a support for the people. Support me, the first Guided Prophet considered it itself; they had left the one that saw with its proper eyes the people. Thus the problem of the value is decided. This urdjuza entirely occupied the first place in our heart.
The reefs, the lands and the measurement, the winds, monsoons and people, later the stations, where it is deep, and the entrances in the islands, I described in a true and detailed way. Listening thus to my advice: follow (this urdjuza) with prudence and accept the Prophet and my will: That Allah blesses the afternoon and morning, the Prophet's purity, the best one of humanity, during the time that Nach turns around its polar regions, and the Zindj finds the way, following the clouds.

(1) the distance is 8 zam for the southern point of Kumr: error it is 32 zam (JOUANNES Claude)

(2) dwafs: an allusion to the Koi-San?

(3) Hodeida: Al-Hudaydah a city in Yemen and its principal port on the Red Sea.


Note on Muna-Musavi.


Taken from: The ancient Sabi - Zimbabwe trade route , NADA ( 1963 ) , XL , p6–16 H. SICARD.


The first to give some written evidence about the coast near the Sabi delta was Achmad-ibn-Madjid. Ibn-Madjid mentions the Kawama (=Kavama) ( Zambezi ) delta (Folio 92 recto): , and then on (Folio 93 recto) , he writes : As regards Sofala , it belongs to the people of Muna-Musavi , the chieftain's name being Zabnavi — everywhere there is gold ; again and also on (Folio 93 recto): In the southern part of Sofala , within a journey  of two days , you are bound to arrive at a port against all winds; after it, he says come Mulbayuni and Malabati. And afterwards, there are to be seen to the south the Charbuh islands, of which there are three, the red among them being Wasika; here they find ivory and ambergris. The ships of the Franks (the Portuguese) arrived here and they have since that time ruled over it ... Behind it there is only the island of Waza (Vaza), and nobody has been to th south of it. On (Folio 94 verso) ibn-Madjid says that the Kaffirs of Sofala bring copper to the coast, and finally, on (Folio 94 verso), he mentions once more the kingdon of Muna-Musavi, adding that there is everywhere gold to the south of Sofala, and it (the goldmine) is called Wadi-hurya (Vadihuria) . ………


More important for our purpose are Muna-Musavi, the red island of Wasika, the southernmost island of Waza and the trade articles : gold , ivory , ambergris and copper .

-Muna is explained by ibn-Madjid to be the name of the Kafirs between Sofala and Kilwa in conformity with the name of Muna-batura, the mighty king  (Folio 92 verso), Muna corresponds to Mono- in Monomutapa or Monoe in Monoe-Mugi.

-Musavi, in the other hand, may be connected with the ancient kingdom of Munhave.

-Wasika, one of three island in the Sabi delta, is Barbosa's Hucica, where much ambergris was found. On a French map, drawn in 1705, the island are called Bocicas, and in Erskine (1872-75, Petermanns Mitteilungen 28/1882, map 4) there appears on the same site Matiki's kraal.

-Waza, finally, is the same as the Bazaruto island, south of the Sabi Delta .

-Gold mentioned by ibn-Madjid came evidently from Butwa, and probably also some of the copper.

-Copper: the main source must have been Musina or Malaya (Messina).

-Ivory could have come from anywhere between Zimbabwe, Malaya and the Sabi.


Amwenye-Washawa (mentioned by Blake-Thompson in unpublished notes): These appear to have been a redskinned type of people and were great traders and are said to have established trading centres where they bartered their goods on the lower Sabi from early times …. They also seem to have been Semitic in custom. .  .

Amwenye is a term applied to any Western Asiatic or similar peoples and may include peoples of the Mediterranean races; used today for the Moslem Arabs.


The Amwenye-Vashava are the same people as ibn-Madjid's Muna-Musavi, the only difference being that ibn-Madjid renders the name in the singular, while tradition has preserved it in the more correct plural. Their place of trade corresponds to ibn-Madjid's Wasika in the Sabi Delta. His explanation of (A)Mwenye confirms ibn-Madjid's statement that Muna is the name of the Kaffirs between Sofala and Kilwa, i.e. of non-Muslim peoples.