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Jarir b. Atiya poet from Arabia (d728)

Taken from: Al-Jahiz: Al-Fakhar al-Sudan min al-Abyadh (the prides of blacks over the whites)
He attests of the Zanj; He is one of the first to use the name.

Jarir ibn al-Khatafi who mocked the Taghlib tribe in the verses:
Don't try to look for worthy people among the maternal uncles of a Taghlib person;
Because even the Zanj have nobler uncles then they.

This is repeated by: Jarir ibn Atiya (728); Al Jahiz; Sudan (869); Ahmed bin Yahya bin Jabir (893); Masudi (916); Muhammad ibn Tahir Ibn al-Qaysarani (1113); Ibn Al Athir (1231)

Under: the most famous African warrior: Antar (and his wife)