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Abu al-Hassan Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Qayrawani Al-Rab'i Al-Lakhmi: Takhrij a Hadith fadayil al Sham wa Dimashq (Graduation of Hadiths on the Virtues of the Levant and Damascus) (c. 1006 – 1085 CE)


Taken from: تخريج أحاديث فضائل الشام ودمشق


Mecca is the sign of honour, Medina is the source of religion, Kufa is the tent of Islam, Basra is the pride of the worshipers, the Levant is the source of the righteous, Egypt is Satan’s nest, cave and resting place, Sindh is Satan’s desire, adultery is in the Zanj, honesty is in Nubia, Bahrain is a blessed home, the Peninsula is the mine of lethality, and the people of Yemen are their hearts. They are delicate, and their sustenance does not exceed them, and the imams are from Quraysh (1), and the leaders of the people are Banu Hashim (2).


Note this is repeated by: Ibn Abd al-Hadi al-Maqdisi: Fadayil al-Sham (Virtues of Sham) (1343).


(1) Quaraysh: tribe of the Prophet Mohammed.

(2) Banu Hashim is one of the clans of the Quraysh tribe.