السيف بالكسر خاصة ساحل البحر

و الجمع اسياف و السيف:

ساحل الوادي او لكل ساحل سيف:

 و السيف الطويل ساحل طويل جدا كانه قطع بالسيف مسيرة مائة فرسخ

 و هو ساحل بحر البربرة مما يلي مقدشوه

If my interpretation and my translation are correct this must be the first mention of Mogadishu in Somalia. 

The next text mention of Mogadishu is: Umar Ibn Ali Ibn Samura : Tabaqat Fuqaha Al-Yaman (Generations of Jurists of Yemen) (1190)

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Beyhaqi Nishabouri Kidari, Mohammad bin Hossein: Hadayiq al Haqayiq (The facts about the Garden) (1181) Khorasan.


Taken from: noorlib.ir حدائق الحقائق by بیهقی نیشابوری کیدری، محمد بن حسین


The sea-shore is broken, especially the coast of the sea; And the plural is shores and shore:

The valley coast or for each coast a shore:   And the long sea-shore is a very long coast, as if it had cut a distance of one hundred leagues with the sea shore; It is the coast of the Barbara Sea, which follows Makdshu ……