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Abd al Halim:  Kitab al Ansab;

(The Book of Genealogy) (1312) Morocco.


Taken from: Tres textos árabes sobre beréberes en el occidente islámico: Kitab al-Ansab. Kitab Mafajir al-Barbar. Kitab Sawahid al-Yîlla. de Ibn Abd Al-Halim, Abu Bakr Ibn


(in a short description of Africa)

….. a march of a month. Then you reach the country of Nubia

East of the Nile Division.

Between them and the inhabited parts of Egypt, a march I see of one day. And from them was Luqman al-Hakim. God bestowed him with knowledge and wisdom. Then comes the land of Nubia, the land of the cutthroat Zinj from Abyssinia. And also from Zinj itself. These are the barbarians that are mentioned. And they are inferior to Abyssinia. ……….


Note on Luqman the Wise see my webpage of: Annon: Hamzanama (The Story of Hamza)(15th)

And also: Al-Jahiz (776-869) Al-Fakhar al-Sudan min al-Abyadh (the prides of blacks over the whites)