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Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Said Ibn Al-Dubaithi: Dhayl Tarikh Madinat al-Salam (Continuation of History of the City of Peace) (1240)


Taken from: ذيل تاريخ مدينة السلام by أبو عبد الله محمد بن سعيد ابن الدبيثي


 ….  Kamal al-Din Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Abi al-Fadhail ibn Abi al-Majd ibn Abi al-Ma’ali ibn al-Dakhamisi al-Hamawi (1), then al-Dimashqi, who died after the year 670AH (1272AD). Imam al-Dhahabi (2) mentioned among the Deaths in the Year 671 AH in his “The History of Islam,” and said: “Modest, full chest. He heard a lot, talked about hadiths from me, wrote a lot in his handwriting, and traveled for hadiths, and he acquired and understood them. He was born around the year six hundred (1204AD), and he narrated with authority from Hanbal al-Mukbir (3), and he accepted the (teaching) request in the year six hundred and twenty (1223AD). He learned from …... He had Turkish Mamluks who listened to him. Then he entered India and settled there for a long time. His manuscripts are a well-known method among the hadith scholars. He lived to this time, and I do not know when he died, but the jurist Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ali Al-Maqdishawi heard from him in the year seventy (1272AD), and he narrated to us about him. And Al-Maqdishawi is mentioned by Al-Dhahabi in his “Dictionary of His Sheikhs” it says: “Muhammad bin Ali bin Abi Bakr, the learned jurist Shams al-Din al-Tamimi al-Maqdishawi, the Vali al-Shafi’i, the teaching assistant of al-Bathari’I (school). It was narrated on the authority of Al-Kamal Ibn Al-Dakhamisi that he met him in the Roman lands, and he heard about Iraq from Ibn Osama, and he settled in Damascus until he died in Dhul-Qa’dah (11th month Islamic calendar) in the year seven hundred and eighteen (1318AD) at the age of seventy...


Note: This is clearly not an original version as information up more than a century after the dead of the author has been added.

(1) Kamal al-Din Ahmad b. Abi al-Fada’il b. Abi al-Majid al-Hamawi b. al-Dakhmisi, he died somewhere in India. (600/1204—671/1273). Known as Hadith collector.

(2) al-Dhahabi (1348): see my webpage on him.

(3) a footnote explains: He is Sheikh Al-Munand, narrator of Masad, Imam Ahmad Abu Ali Hashal bin Ad Allah bin Al-Faraj Al-Baghdadi Al-Rusafi Al-Mukair Al-Manoufy, year sixty-four.