Ibn Dhahirah: al Jamie al Latif fi Fadal Maka;

(the nice mosque in the virtue of Makkah) (1457)


Taken from: masaha.org/book/view/4755  الجامع اللطيف في فضل مكة وأهلها وبناء البيت الشريف by ابن ظهيرة، محمد بن محمد

 Mecca and surrounding mountains.


A chapter on explaining the directions for the worshipers to the direction of the qibla (1) from the rest of the horizons, a summary of what Sheikh Izz al-Din bin Jama'ah (2) mentioned in his circle by deleting the planets, since not everyone knows their inference ……………….

……… (Destination) Abyssinia, Zinj, Zaila (3), most of Sudan, Farasan islands (4), and what was ruled by these countries: and had as its characteristics: from the Yemeni corner to two-thirds of the wall, which is the end of the blocked door (of the Kaba).


(about mountains around Mecca)

And including: A cave at the top of the mountain next to the tomb of Sheikh Abd al-Kabir bin Yassin Al Hadrami, known to the people of Makkah as Jabal al-Nubi below Mecca and called Thaber al-Zinj, (=place where the Zanj play) as will be mentioned.

Note: At least the following authors have the story of the mountain Thabir or Thabyr or Thaber of the Zanj.

(see my webpages): Ahmad al-Azraqi 858; Al Fakihi 883; Al Iskandari 1165; Abu Bakr Al-Hazimi 1188; Yakut al Hamawi 1220; Muhammad al Fasi, Maliki 1430; Ibn Dhahirah 1457.


And among them: Thaber is the name of eight places, seven of which are mountains in Makkah and its sanctuary, and they are the Thaber with the aforementioned dirt, and the Thaber of the Zinj, and the Thaber of the lame, and the Thaber of the humpback, ….. and Thaber al-Khadra (5), and Thaber al-Sa`a, and Thaber Ghina (6) ……

(1) qibla: the direction towards the Kaaba in the Sacred Mosque in Mecca used as the direction of prayer.

(2) Sheikh Izz al-Din bin Jama'ah: (1294-1365 AD) of Damascene origin, by birth, then joined the Egyptian Shafi’i. Also mentioned by Suyuti (1505); Annon: Dhikr Kalam (15th).

(3) Zaila: Zeila in N Somalia close to Djibouti.

(4) Farasan islands: are a small group of coral islands approximately 40 km off the coast of Jizan in the Red Sea, belonging to Saudi Arabia.

(5) al Khadra=the green.

(6) Thabir Geina: called Samira in pagan times , above the well of Meimun , towers with its peak above the valley of ' Ali and the valley of the Hadhramaut in Mina ; the top has the name Dsad el-Catada from the camel foot catad (Astragalus tragacantha).