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Imam Ali; Nahj al-Balagha

(The Path of Eloquence) (pub. 10th c AD)


Taken from: آنچه در لوح اهرام مصر نوشته بود


Sang (1) had gone to Abyssinia and asked the bishop: Who was Ryan to Dumogh? He said: He is the dear father of Egypt, in whose house Hazrat Yusuf and his wife Zulikha were. Aziz lived for 700 years and his father Rian lived for 1700 years and Rian's father Dumgh lived in the world for 3000 years. There was an inscription on that stone: I am Rayan bin Dumgh, I came out of my homeland to find out about the source of the Nile River. I was seeing its flow and I wanted to know its origin and source. For this purpose, together with eight thousand people of the country, we searched for eighty years, until we reached the darkness and the Atlantic Sea, and I saw that the Nile River cuts the Atlantic Sea and passes through it, and there is no opening. All of my companions died, except for four thousand people. I was afraid of the decline of my kingdom and I returned and built the pyramids …..


(1) Zubayra bin Saad bin Sahm Qurashi one of the companions of the Prophet.