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Al-Khwarizmi: Mafatih-al ulum
(Science of algorithm) (d997)
Taken from: Alwaraq
Also called: Hwarizmi
Almehraj: King Alzabaj and Zinj.
Left a modern edition of Mafatih al ulum
The only entry in this book that has a connection to East Africa is a noble title that (according to this book) is used in Indonesia and East Africa. Nuwayri (1331) repeats it but attributes it to Masudi (916). It does show the impact of the Austronesians on East Africa through their colonization of Madagascar.
Names of the kings among the Zanj according to different authors:
Ibn Khordadbeh (868) Alfikhat.
Masudi (916): The king of Zanj is called Flimi
Al-Khwarizmi: (d997) Almehraj: King Alzabaj and Zinj.
Abu Ubayd Al Bakri (1067): And the Flymy (title of king) has three hundred thousand cavalry.
Al-Raghib al-Isfahani (1109): Al Buhraja: sahib al Zunj
Wasif Shah (1209): Their principal king is called Kunah; he resides on the shore of the sea, in a place called Kandu.
Al-Qazwini (1283). Atar al Bilad: And they have a King named Aokulaim.
Al-Dimashqi (1325): The supreme king is called Touqlim (or tuqlim or buqlim) meaning 'son of the Lord'
Muhammad al Fasi, Maliki: (d1429-30): Al Hyaj: the king of Zinj and Ghana.
Charles Guillain: ( Documents sur l'histoire, la géographie et le commerce de l'Afrique…. P173) gives several versions on how different translators
translated the word Flimi (King) of Masudi (916): M. Reinaud: Oklimen; M. Quatremère: Wakliman; M. Sprenger: Afliman; Deguignes: Phalimi and Aphlimi.