The sources of the Nile from a ms of Idrissi.
Moses Bar Kepha: Hexaemeron (Six-Day Creation) (d903) Syrian bishop
Taken from: Baumstark-Reichert; LThK 7, 654 Stuiber
Book 5
Ch. 5: About the well-known seas and which they are.
Ch.12: On the lakes that nourish the Nile and the other lakes that nourish other rivers.
(1) Kusha: Also found in Ibn Said (1250); Abulfida (1331); Al Qalqashandi (d1418) Kouscha: connected to the country of the Kushites who are often mentioned in the hieroglyphs of the pharaohs
(2) Fazan: Fazzan or Fezzan: in south west Libya.