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Al Biruni; Al-Tafh im li-aw a'il sin a'at al-tanj im
(Book of the instructions on the principles of astrology)
Taken from Gabriel Ferrand; Journal Asiatique
Biruni: The book of Instruction in the elements of the art of astrology
Transl: Ramsay Wright
A page from this manuscript by Biruni    



………….. From Tangiers southwards the Ocean passes by the country of the Western Negroes, and then turns to the left so as to get to the other side of the Mountains of the Moon, whence the Nile arises, (and there it reaches Sofala al-Zanj.) Ships do not enter this sea, if they do, they do not escape into safety……….

……….. The other gulf is that which begins at a point, Ras Berbera, opposite Aden and is called the Berbera Sea, and this great Sea goes as far as Sofala above referred to. No ship passes this point on account of the dangers of navigation; beyond is the Western Ocean (but the nature of the connection therewith is unknown.) In the eastern part of this sea are numerous islands, first those of Zabij (1), al-zanj then the Diva (2). Dibajat (3) and Qumair (4) groups, ( small in size, some of them arising anew out of the water, others as a result of erosion, becoming Invisible). Then there are the islands of Zangistan al-zanj, al-zanij, large and celebrated Islands like Serandib (Ceylon) known to the Hindus as Sangandib. From it come various precious stones and diamonds. Then the island Kalah (5) from which tin is obtained, and Sarbuza (6), Sarira (7) from which camphor comes, (and other Islands from which cloves, sandal-wood, coconuts, ebony, barhank (Kanbar coir), rattans, aloe-wood end the like are obtained.)……….

……… The habitable land contains numerous lakes, bataih (8), and sometimes they are called small seas, buhairat , like those of Apamea (9), Tiberias (10) and the Dead Sea in Syria, and the Sea of Khwarizm(Aral) and Issiq-kul (11) near Barsukhan (12).

                                                                                           Translation on next page

The above figure approximately represents what we have described.



The equator passes from the east into the Chinese and Indian Oceans and through several of the Islands there. After having traversed the boundaries of the Zanjian arrives at the deserts of the Sudanese, who are engaged in the slave-trade, and thence passes into the Western Ocean. Those who dwell on the equator have their nights and days always of equal length, both north and south poles are equidistant on their horizon, and the parallels of latitude are perpendicular to the horizon, not inclining to either side. The sun crosses the equator twice a year, first when at the first point of  Aries (19), and second when at the first point of Libra (20), on which occasions it passes to the north and south respectively. The equator is called khatt al-istiwa and khatt al-istiwa on account of the complete equality of day and night. As for the opinion expressed by some people that the nature and constitution of the inhabitants is of even temperament, there is evidence to the contrary in the burnt-up condition of the people and their neighbors because they vary much in their complexion and their hair, and are not alike in their physical characteristics, although all of small stature. Who, indeed, could be of equal- tempered constitution in a place where the sun cooks the brains of the inhabitants from above, till it moves out of the zenith at those two periods which we call summer and winter, and brings about a little coolness and relief .



………. Other methods of subdividing the land exist besides that of the seven climates,………… Then there is that of the Prophet Noah (on whom be peace) which is by latitude, but also into three parts. At his death he gave the South where the Blacks are to Ham (21), and the North where the Whites live to Yafeth, and the Central part the abode of the Browns to Sam………..

………..The Persians divided the world by the kingdoms into seven regions ( kishwarat ) and attributed this division to Hermes. It is represented in the following figure.



………We have stated that following the equator from the east where it begins in the sea to the south of China, it passes through the Zanj Islands (Zavah) known as the land of gold. Then moves between the two islands Kalah (5) and Sarira (6)(Sarbazah) to the south of the Island of Sarandib (Ceylon) , and through the Dibajat (3) Islands (Diva) to the north of the Zanj people, their islands, coasts and low-lying grounds (Sofala al Zanj), passing thence north of the Mountains of the Moon to end in the Western Ocean.The first climate begins with the east of the Chinese Empire , traverses the Chinese Sea, and contains those cities which are its ports, and where are the rivers on which the merchants boats ascend into the interior like Khanju (13) and Khanqu (14), The Island of Sarandib belongs here, and of the Yemen country everything that is south of Sana (15) ,like Dhofar (16), Hadramaut (17) and Aden; then in Africa it includes Dongola, a city of the Nubians, and Ghanah of the Western Sudanese, after which the Western Ocean is reached…………



……….LION: Tall trees, plantain and ebony, myrobalan and belleric myrobalan. Seas, running waters, winds which stir up the seas, and destroy tall trees and herbage; cold fogs. Tools end sites for drawing water and for building houses, and for digging and planting trees……



Saturn: Underground canals and vaults, wells, old buildings, desolate roads, lairs of wild beasts, deserts full of them, stables for horses, asses, and camels, and elephants houses. India, Zanzibar, Abyssinia, Egypt, Ethiopia between the West and the South, Yemen, Arabia and Nabatea (18)……….



…………Moon: Camel, ox, sheep, elephant, giraffe, all beasts of burden obedient to man and domesticated………..



Saturn: Fathers, grandfathers, older brothers and slaves. Ugly, tall, wizened, sour face, large head, eyebrows joined, small eyes, wide mouth, thick lips downcast look, much black hair, short neck, coarse hand, short fingers, awkward figure, legs crooked, big feet…………..



Saturn: Building, paymaster, farming, reclaiming land and distribution of water, ( fraudulent transactions,) apportioning money and heritages, grave -digging; selling things made of iron, lead, bone, hair; copper, black slaves; knowledge used for bad purposes, such acts of the government as lead to evil oppression, wrath, captivity, torture…………

(1) Zabij: Zabaj: one of the main islands of Indonesia (Sumatra).

(2) Diva: Indian name for islands.

(3) Dibajat: al-Dibadjad: Didadjat islands: Dibayat =Maldives

(4) Qumair: Qamar: Khmer (Cambodia) or Qumr; Madagascar; or Cape Comorin – South India.

(5) Kalah: very important harbour in Malaysia in those days.

(6) Sarbuza: To the Arabs, Sarbaza or Sarbuza (= Srivijaya) on the island of Sumatra.

(7) Sarira: island in the Indonesian archipelago; repeated in London copy of Sanjari Zij of al Khazini (1115); Ashrafi Zij of Sanjar Kamali; Zin of ibn al Shatir; Ilkhani Zij version by al Halabi; and Ibn Mahmud al-Rumi Kadizada (1427)

(8) bataih: batihah or swamps-lakes

(9) Apamea: Syria on the right bank of the Orontes River, was an ancient Greek and Roman city.

(10) Tiberias: Tiberias is an Israeli city on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee.

(11) Issiq-kul: Issyk-Kul is a lake in the Northern Tian Shan mountains in Eastern Kyrgyzstan.

(12) Barsukhan: on the bank of the lake Isi(k)-kul was the city Barskhan (Barskoon, Barskon or Barskaun, ancient Barsgan, Barskhan or Barsqan)

(13) Khanju: also Quanzhou

(14) Khanqu = Khanfu: present-day Quanzhou

(15) Sana: capital of Yemen.

(16) Dhofar: province in Oman

(17) Hadramaut: eastern part of Yemen.

(18) Nabatea: : were an ancient Arab people who inhabited northern Arabia and the southern Levant.

(19) Aries: is one of the constellations located in the Northern celestial hemisphere. The name Aries is Latin for ram.

(20) Libra: is located in the Southern celestial hemisphere. Its name is Latin for weighing scales.

(21) Ham, Yafeth and Sam are the three sons of Noah.