A number of African slaves or servants in the islam world

Abu Bakr al-Kindi: Musannaf (Arranged by Chapter) (d1162) Ibadi Jurist.


Taken from:The justice of Islam: comparative perspectives on Islamic law and society By Lawrence Rosen

(student) What if a man addresses another man by his nickname which he doesn't like?

(Teacher) He's punished

(s) And what if he says You're no Arab, you're a non Arab

(T) He's punished

(s) And if he says to a man Son of a Zanji woman, or Son of an Indian woman?

(T) He's punished unless the man's mother actually is Zanji or Indian


Taken from : Michael A Cook ; Commanding right and forbidding wrong in Islamic thought

When talking about wrongs that concern Ibadi jurists:

Gathering to make music, men and women, various instruments are considered as well as singing ,
special attention is given to African and Indian music. (la’b al Zanj wa’l Hind)