(1) see my webpage on Nizam al Mulk (1091)

(2) in Persian یوزغند ; Yozghand is a place in central Tajikistan.

(3) Seljuk Sultan Muhammad: Muhammad I Tapar, was the sultan of Seljuk Empire (from the Greek border to the China border) from 1105 to 1118.

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Letter of Abu Nasr Ahmad
(son of Nizam al Mulk)(1) to his son. (1110)

Taken from :  Medieval Iran and Its Neighbours‎ by Vladimir Minorsky


He adds in the letter a praise of the Seljuk Sultan Muhammad (3):... who is consolidating the work of his predecessors, who is the founder of the wealth of the family of Nizam; who is the conquer of the world, who crossed the Nile, reached India, Yuzgand (2), defeated the Francs, Slaves and Zanj … He urges his son to stay in the service of this illustrious family. 


Note: Abu Nasr Ahmad was the vizier of the Seljuk Sultan Muhammad. (in Persia).