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Al-Qazwini(d. 1283). Worldmaps


    In the center of the map is Mecca; the ocean is located on each side along the outer edge of the sheet with the pillars of the earth in the four corners.  Africa and the Nile river. And: Wasteland where nobody lives, Mountains of the Moon.
In the center of the map is Mecca; the ocean is located on each side along the outer edge of the sheet with the pillars of the earth in the four corners. Africa and the Nile river. And: Wasteland where nobody lives, Mountains of the Moon.

Above: World map style  al-Qazwini's in Book on Created and Existing Beings in a manuscripts compiled for the Safavid Shahs Abbas II (ruled 1642-1666) and Sulayman (ruled 1666-1694)

In these maps the influencee of Biruni is visible.

The next maps will be entirely copied from Biruni but appearing in copies of Qazwinis work.

The map on top is modeled after Mustawfi, Hamd-Allah ibn Abi Bakr Qazvini (1340) Nuzhat al-qulub (The Pleasure of Hearts)

Under from two copies of a Turkish translation of Qazwini: 2 world-maps.

The maps under are based on Biruni but should be of later date as Africa has already a modern shape, from information arriving from the west.

Under 2 maps of Egypt with the Nile up to its sources.