Out of a book on precious stones from the same author (as illustration only)

Ibn Yusuf Tifashi: Surur al-nafs (Joy of the soul) (d 1253)


Taken from: maktabatalarab.com



… among the people like the Zinj, because they live in a hot country. The heat overcooks them in the womb

and wrinkles their hair. Just as the minds of Sudan people is deficient.



this star (Suheil) is characteristic for events of joy and happiness in the people and for the lowness of the

al Zanj who are close to Suheil what makes them to be full of joy.



Saturn: influence on Sindh and India and Zinj and Abyssinia and the Copts and south between Sudan and

Morocco and Yemen, the Arabs and Nabati.(1)


(1) Nabateen: were an ancient Arab people who inhabited northern Arabia and the southern Levant.