The Jami in Mogadishu
The Jami in Mogadishu

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Mohamed Ben Ali al Qali'i:

Tahdhyb alrryast w tartyb alssyasa

(Politicization and policy making) (1233)


Taken from:   تهذیب الریاسة و ترتیب السیاسة


The jurist Ali bin Ahmed, the student of Imam al-Qal’i, the author of many books, was a virtuous jurist and blessed with teaching skills. Knowledge spread widely from him in Hadramout, and his jurisprudence was attended by a group of scholars. Scholars among them was Abu Zakariyya, who went out to Makdishu and spread knowledge about it and its aspects extensively …..

Note: Abu Zakaria, who went to Maqdishu: one more visitor to East Africa. This visitor is also mentioned by Ali ibn al-Hasan Khazraji (1400).