Scene from the Sam-nama.
Scene from the Sam-nama.

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Khwaju Kirmani; Samnama; (Epic of Sam) (d1349) Kerman


Taken from:


Samnama is an epico-lyrical composition in the four different meters, composed on the model of Firdawsi’s Shahnama, is similar to all poetical compositions of a like nature. Numerous manuscript copies of the work are extant, none of is seemingly complete.

The genealogy of Sam is as follows: (according to the Ain I Akbari) Nariman, the son of Garshasp who is the son of Utrut. Sam is the son of Nariman; Zal is the son of Sam; Rustam the son of Zal; Faramarz the son of Rustam…….

The Samnama, which relays the exploits of Sam, son of Nariman and his love for the Chinese princess Paridukht. Sam engages in a succession of battles with divs (demons) and giants, a gift to any imaginative illustrator. The manuscript then continues as far as the birth of Rustam where it ends.

Sam Namah who travels many sea routes and, like other Iranian warriors, he inevitably ends up in the islands of the southern waters of Iran and the areas around Zangian.

Some of the illustrations show that he had to fight zangis:

421v. Sam and Qalwad meet the Zangis

421r. Sam and Qalwad kill the Zangis

Taken from: (sh27) (sh28)


Chapter 26 - Sam's arrival at the seaside and his battle with Zangian

…… He reached near the sea which he heard.  He saw forty Zangis. One of the caravans had been captured. Their bodies are thrown to the ground. One was a cannibal Zangi. ……… He was called Samandan Zangi. He ambushed caravans day and night. At the command of two hundred other Zangis. ……  Qalavad came to the sea. Looking for what the Zangian did. They jumped on top of their horses. They galloped near their leader Samandan who was inside a ship …… Samandan Zangi saw their actions. The Zangian saw the world in a blur. His heart trembled in darkness. …… Sam jelled like a lion. He said that the devil has returned today. I am Sam Yael Sarwar Nimroz … I will not think of your army, you evildoer he said and killed the Zangians … He did not look at Samandan Zangi. He did not see a man of war in that Zangian who did not fight with Sam Yavar …… Samandan Zangi boarded the ship. They took Qalavad with his hands tied …… After that, they went to Iran. Let Sam be alone in the persuit. Loneliness bleeds from his eyes …… Qalvad was worth a lot of money. He was suddenly trapped. I don't know what he thinks about Zangians. I am not the only person in the world who is unhappy. Separated from my country, from the king and from the throne.


Chapter 27

……… Someone launched a boat on the sea. Income comes from a successful ship. They turned towards Zangian's grove. To search for Qalvad Yakel. They drove a boat from morning until dinner. They did not say a word, they did not meet the Zangians. No, Qalavad was not known anywhere. It also shows that he was not at that place.


Chapter 28 - The killing of Samandan by Sam and the release of Qalwad

…… The Zangian’s arrived. They fell on Sam. When they did not win, they ran away. They went to the forest as the wind blew. The fire was near Qalvad. He was tied up in chains. …… All chains were broken …… After that the Zangians whoever saw it …… They rushed to the ship.


Value for East-African history

This epic in verses has little value for the East-African history. It is not even specified if the encounter takes place in East Africa. The Zangians are portrayed as cannibals (which is the traditional stereotype). And also as pirates who by ship came to attack a caravan and then leave by ship. This happens also in other epics but is not a stereotype.

The word Zanzibar is also used in several verses to describe other things than East Africa.

Ch 25 verse 27

Disease as the Khosrow of Zangbar -- An example from the hordes of eastern perdition

Ch 137 verse 77

He spoke and the sight of the water widened -- Of the old divorced girl her soul was roasted

Until the Khosrow of Zanzibar -- It is rumored to get black

He drew a veil like tar – so that the black forest went to the male lion.

Taken from: Sām-nāma By Khwāju-yi Kirmānī; ‎Vaḥīd Rūyānī p122

And the Roman sultan -- took possession of the Shah of Zanzibar.