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Map of the Pizzigani brothers (1367)


Taken from: LONGHENA, Mario: La carta dei Pizigano del 1367; Archivio Storico per le Province Parmensi.


The Nile starts deep in West Africa. From the lake at the mountains of the moon also a river starts that goes to the Atlantic (Senegal-Niger). The Nile goes then all the way to East Africa to join a river going north (not called Nile anymore).

The following inscriptions are of interest:

Iste lacus exit demons Lune et transit per deserta arnosa : This lake proceeds from the Mountain of the Moon, and passes through sandy deserts.

Muns (mons) Lune gibet(gebel) camal sive mons (mons) aurey (auri) hic semper est perpetua nispropter altitudo (altitudinem) mocium (montium) : The Mountain of the Moon, Gebel Camar or Mountain of Gold is always covered with snow because of its height.

fons nilidis : Sources of the Nile.

On the damaged map not much is visible anymore.


Taken from the Jomard reconstruction