The original of the first inscription got lost. As the part concerning East-Africa is not different from the second, we do not include it. The second inscription is given in full as it also gives an overview of the trips of Cheng Ho (or Zheng He)(16). The inscription was discovered in Ch'ang-lo in Fukien province (see picture) in 1937. Where it was erected in November 1431 before the 7th voyage. It measures 162 cm high and 76 wide. On the top there is the design of the sun flanked by sea wave designs.

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Cheng Ho: Two inscriptions (1431)

Taken from: Teobaldi Filesi: China and Africa in the Middle Ages
Duyvendak : China's discovery of Africa
Also called : Zheng He


The second inscription (left) bears an inscription titled: A Record of the Response of the Divine Spirit of the Heavenly Princess (Tianfei) (天妃之神靈應記), at Liujiagang in Eastern Lu. The first inscription does not exist anymore.


The title of that inscription was: A Record of Contacts with the Barbarians (婁東劉家港天妃宮石刻通番事蹟碑).


Under the detail view of the title of the inscription at left.

A painting of Zheng He as found on a wall in his home village

Second Inscription

Record of the miraculous answer (to prayer) of the goddess the Celestial Spouse.
The Imperial Ming Dynasty unifying seas and continents, surpassing the three dynasties even goes beyond the horizon and from the ends of the earth have all become subjects and to the most western of the western or the most northern of the northern countries, however far they may be, the distance and the routes may be calculated. Thus the barbarians from beyond the seas, through their countries are truly distant, with double translation, have come to audience bearing precious objects and presents.
The Emperor, approving of their loyalty and sincerity, has ordered us, (Cheng) Ho and others at the head of several tens of thousands of officers and flag-troops to ascend more than one hundred large ships to go and confer presents on them in order to make manifest the transforming power of the (imperial) virtue and to treat distant people with kindness. From the third year of Yung-lo (1405) till now we have seven times received the commission of ambassadors to countries of the western ocean.
The barbarian countries which we have visited are: by way of Chan-ch'eng (Champa), Chao-wa (Java), San-fo-ch'I (palembang) and Hsien-lo (siam) crossing straight over to Hsi-lan-chan (Ceylon) in South-India, Ku-li (Calicut), and K'o-chih (Cochin), we have gone to the western regions Hu-lu-mo-ssu (Hormuz), A-tan (Aden), Mu-ku-tu-shu (Mogadishu), altogether more then thirty countries large and small.

We have traversed more then one hundred thousand li of immense water spaces and have beheld in the ocean huge waves like mountains rising sky-high, and we have set eyes on barbarian regions far away hidden in a blue transparency of light vapors, while our sails loftily unfurled like clouds day and night  continued their course (rapid like that) of a star, traversing those savage waves as if we were treading a public thoroughfare. Truly this was due to the Majesty and the good fortune of the Court and moreover we owe it to the protecting virtue of the divine Celestial Spouse.
The power of the Goddess having indeed been manifested in previous times has been abundantly revealed in the present generation. In the midst of the rushing waters it happened that, when there was a hurricane, suddenly there was a divine lantern shining in the mast, and as soon as this miraculous light appeared the danger was appeased, so that even in the danger of capsizing one felt reassured that there was no cause for fear. When we arrived in the distant countries we captured alive those of the native kings who were not respectful and exterminated those barbarian robbers who were engaged in piracy, so that consequently the sea route was cleansed and pacified and the natives put their trust in it. Al this is due to the favors of the goddess.
It is not easy to enumerate completely all the cases where the goddess has answered (prayers). Previously in a memorial to the Court we have requested that her virtue be registered in the Court of Sacrificial Worship and a temple be built at Nanking on the bank of the dragon river where regular sacrifices should be transmitted for ever. We have respectfully received an Imperial commemorative composition exalting the miraculous favors, which is the highest recompense and praise indeed. However, the miraculous power of the goddess resides wherever ones goes. As for the temporary palace on the southern mountain at Ch'ang-lo. I have, at the head of the fleet, frequently resided there awaiting the (favorable) wind to set sail for the ocean. Thereupon in the tenth year of Yung-lo (1412) I reported in a memorial that the place where the government troops pray and report their success had already been completely put in order. On the right hand side (i.e. the west side) there was on the southern mountain a pagoda of very great antiquity which was in a neglected and dilapidated condition. On each visit repairs were made and after a lapse of several years the principal halts and meditation chambers now greatly surpass the former standard. This year in the spring having started once more for the barbarian countries I have moored the ships in this port and, having again repaired the halls of the Buddhas and the palaces of the gods with even more splendor, I furthermore resolved to spend funds for the building of a Precious Hall for the Three Pure ones to the left of the palace, to have wholly new and beautiful images of the gods sculpted and decorated, and to provide completely all the bells and drums and sacrificial utensils. It was declared unanimously that thus it would be possible to serve with the utmost reverence the heart of divine intelligence of heaven and earth, and all vowed that it should be thus, so that all gladly hasten hither to serve. The buildings, grand and beautiful, will be completed before long, the painted beams rise up to the clouds in a vigorous fight. Moreover there are green pine-trees and bamboo of kingfisher blue giving a pleasant shade on either side. The gods having a peaceful dwelling and men rejoicing, it surely is a remarkable spot. How would such a place and such people not all receive happiness and prosperity? If men are able to serve their prince with the exertion of all their loyalty then all things will be successfully established; if they are able to serve the gods with the utmost sincerity then all their prayers will be answered.
We, Cheng Ho and others, on the one hand have received the high favor of a gracious commission of our Sacred Lord, and on the other hand carry to the distant barbarians the benefits of respect and good faith (on their part). Commanding the multitudes on the fleet and (being responsible for) a quantity of money and valuables in the face of the violence of the winds and the nights our one fear is not to be able to succeed; how should we then dare not to serve our dynasty with exertion of all our loyalty and the gods with the utmost sincerity? How would it be possible not to realize what is the source of the tranquility of the fleet and the troops and the salvation on the voyage both going and returning? Therefore we have made manifest the virtue of the goddess on stone and have moreover recorded the years and months of the voyages to the barbarian countries and the return in order to leave (the memory) for ever.

I. In the third year of Yung-lo (1405) commanding the fleet we went to Ku-li (Calicut) and other countries. At that time the pirate Ch'en Tsu-yi had gathered his followers in the country of San-fo-ch'I (Palembang), where he plundered the native merchants. When he also advanced to resist our fleet, supernatural soldiers secretly came to the rescue so that after one beating of the drum he was annihilated. In the fifth year (1407) we returned.
II. In the fifth year of Yung-lo (1407) commanding the fleet we went to Chao-wa (java), Ku-li (Calicut), K'o-chih (Cochim) and Hsien-lo (Siam). The kings of these countries all send as tribute precious objects, precious birds and rare animals. In the seventh year (1409) we returned.
III. In the seventh year of Yung-lo (1409) commanding the fleet we went to the countries (visited) before and took our route by the country of Hsi-lan-shan (Ceylon). Its king Ya-lieh-k'u-nai-erh (Alagakkonara) was guilty of a gross lack of respect and plotted against the fleet. Owing to the manifest answer to prayer of the goddess (the plot) was discovered and thereupon that king was captured alive. In the ninth year (1411) on our return the king was presented (to the throne) (as a prisoner); subsequently he received the Imperial favor of returning to his own country.
IV. In the eleventh year of Yung-lo (1413) commanding the fleet we went to Hu-lu-mo-ssu (Ormuz) and other countries. In the country of Su-men-ta-la (Samudra) there was a false king Su-kan-la (Sekandar) who was marauding and invading his country. Its king Tsai-nu-li-pi-ting (Zaynu-'l-Abidin) had send an envoy to the Palace gates in order to lodge a complaint. We went thither with the official troops under our command and exterminated some and arrested (other rebels), and owing to the silent aid of the goddess we captured the false king alive. In the thirteenth year (1415) on our return he was presented (to the emperor as a prisoner). In that year the king of the country of Man-la-chia (Malacca) came in person with his wife and son to present tribute.
V. In the fifteenth year of Yung-lo (1417) commanding the fleet we visited the western regions. The country of Hu-lu-mo-ssu (Ormuz) presented lions, leopards with gold spots and large western horses. The country of A-tan (Aden) presented ch'i-lin of which the native name is Tsu-la-fa (giraffe), as well as the long horned animal ma-ha (oryx). The country of Mu-ku-tu-shu (Mogadishu) presented hua-fu-lu (zebras) as well as lions. The country of Pu-la-wa (Brawa) presented camels which run one thousand li as well as camel birds (ostriches). The countries of Chao-wa (Java) and Ku-li (Calicut) presented the animal mi-li-kao. They all viewed in presenting the marvelous objects preserved in the mountains or hidden in the seas and the beautiful treasures buried in the sand or deposited on the shores. Some send a maternal uncle of the king, others a paternal uncle or a younger brother of the king in order to present a letter of homage written on gold leaf as well as tribute.
VI. In the nineteenth year of Yung-lo (1421) commanding the fleet we conducted the ambassadors from Hu-lu-mo-ssu (Ormuz) and the other countries who had been in attendance at the capital for a long time back to their countries. The kings of all these countries prepared even more tribute than previously.
VII. In the sixth year of Hsuan-te (1431) once more commanding the fleet we have left for the barbarian countries in order to read to them (an imperial edict) and to confer presents.
We have anchored in this port awaiting a north wind to take the sea, and recalling how previously we have on several occasions received the benefits of the protection of the divine intelligence we have thus recorded an inscription in stone.

(1) goddess the Celestial Spouse: was a goddess in Taoism, one of the major religions of China. She was considered to be the protector of travelers on the sea.

(2) Chan-ch'eng or Zhancheng = Champa in present-day Cambodia.

(3) Chao-wa  or Zhaowa (Java)

(4) San-fo-ch'I (palembang): Sanfotsi also written as Sanfoqi, was a trading polity in Southeast Asia mentioned in Chinese sources.

(5) Hsien-lo or Xianlo (Siam/Thailand)

(6)  Hsi-lan-chan or Xilanshan (Ceylon)

(7) Ku-li or Guli  (Calicut)

(8) K'o-chih or Kezhi (Cochin) : coasts of Tonkin (northern Vietnam) and South China.

(9) Hu-lu-mo-ssu (Hormuz) is a city on the island of Hormuz off the coast of Iran; important in former times as trade center.

(10) li: also known as the Chinese mile. The li has varied considerably over time and now has a standardized length of a half-kilometer.

(11) Court of Sacrificial Worship: The Court of Imperial Sacrifices was a central government agency in several imperial Chinese and Vietnamese dynasties. It was generally in charge of conducting major state sacrificial ceremonies according to ritual regulations.

(12) Nanking: Nanjing, capital of China’s eastern Jiangsu province, is roughly 300km up the Yangtze River from the city of Shanghai. It was the national capital during part of the Ming dynasty.

(13) the dragon river: the Yangtze River

(14) mountain at Ch'ang-lo: Chang'an was the Tang dynasty capital. The palace area was called Ch'ang-lo.

(15) Three Pure ones: The first Pure One is universal or heavenly chi. The second Pure One is human plane chi, and the third Pure One is earth chi. Heavenly chi includes the chi or energy of all the planets, stars and constellations as well as the energy of God (the force of creation and universal love).

(16) Cheng Ho; Zheng He: see my webpage on Note on Cheng Ho.

(17) Ya-lieh-k'u-nai-erh (Alagakkonara): also known as Alakeshwara, were a prominent feudal family that provided powerful ministers and military rulers during the medieval period in Sri Lanka. They arrived in Sri Lanka around the 13th century and naturalized themselves in Sri Lanka. One member of the family is noted for founding the current capital of Sri Lanka. The family lost most of its influence after its leader was taken captive by the Ming Dynasty (Chinese) Admiral Zheng He in 1411.

(18) Su-men-ta-la : Samudra, Semudera. The town stood on the left or west bank of the Krueng Pasi, nearly opposite to Pasai or Pase, and about five miles from the mouth of the river, on the north coast of Sumatra.

(19) Hsuan-te: Hsüan-te reign (1426–36). Also known as Xuande Emperor.