Al Ayni: Umdat al-Qari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari

(Continental mayor)(d1451)


Taken from: عمدة القاري : شرح صحيح البخاري by عيني، بدر الدين محمود بن احمد


I said: They agreed on the principle of the Nile of the Moon Mountains as well, similar to the moon in its whiteness it stems from twelve eyes and then emitted ten rivers one of them the Nile of Egypt, which is the first eyes being on the land of Abyssinia in the wilderness of Mafawaz (1), ibn al-Atheer (2) said: There is no river in this world that is taller than it, because it is a two-month journey and two months in Nubia and four months in the wilderness…..

(1) Mafawaz : Mafasha; wilderness

(2) ibn al-Atheer: see my webpage Ibn Al Athir (1231)