Giovanni Fontana: Liber de omnibus rebus naturalibus ;
(The Book concerning all the things of nature) (d1455) Italy.
Taken from: Due contemporanei di Fra’ Mauro e lo spazio geografico : il medico umanista Pietro Tommasi e il filosofo naturalista Giovanni Fontana; P. Gautier Dalché
……. quoniam manifeste extenditur super montem Cibelcaman statutum in Africa, in Ethiopia maxime australi dicta Agisimba; qui mons etiam appellari solet mons Lunae, ad cuius pedem ex parte septentrionali fontes fuminis Nili esse dicuntur, unde Nilum resurgens illuc veniens a fonte paradisi incognita…..
…… stretched over a mountain Cibelcaman (1) in Africa, in Ethiopia, especially its south, has been called Agisimba (2); the mountain we are used to call mountain of the moon, they are said to be the part on its foot on the north side of the fountains of the river Nile, where the Nile rises from its source the unknown garden of paradise is situated……
(1) Cibelcaman: Jebel-qamar; Mountain of the Moon; the traditional source of the Nile.
(2) Agisimba: Agisymba was an unidentified country in Africa mentioned by Ptolemy in the middle of the 2nd century AD. According to Ptolemy's writings, Agisymba was found a four months' journey south of Fezzan and was characterized by large animals, such as rhinoceroses and elephants.