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Unknown: The Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiyyah (The Story of Muhammad Hanafiyyah) (15th century) a Malay text


Taken from: Bibliotheca Indonesica 1978_9

 A page from this manuscript.

This manuscript of which about 30 copies still exist, got in the fifteenth century adopted from Persian. The period in which Malaysia had a commercial empire stretching to East Africa is over (several centuries already) . Knowledge of East Africa is lost, and arrives newly from (secondhand ) sources in Persia.
The manuscripts attest of a Shiite presence in the Malay world at the beginning of islamisation. The half brother of the martyrs of Shiitism, Hasan and Husayn, Muhammad Hanafiah appears here as a brave warrior who seeks to avenge them.

Muhammad Hanafiyyah (king of Buniara) and ‘Ali Akbar addressed our [i.e. their] nine brothers: ‘Umar ‘Ali, Talib ‘Ali and Aqil ‘Ali in Baghdad the son of my father, Shah Mardan Ali, whose name is Masib Kaka in Iraq, Ibrahim Astar, the son of the king of Tuj’ah, Tughan Turk and Mughan Turk from Tabriz. These are the main heroes. (They had been made kings of their respective places by Ali-the son of the Prophet). The main enemy is Yazid: was the second caliph of the Umayyad Caliphate. He ruled from April 680 until his death in November 683. His appointment was the first hereditary succession to the caliphate in Islamic history. His caliphate was marked by the death of Muhammad's grandson Husayn ibn Ali and the start of the crisis known as the Second Fitna.


The battle resumed the next day. Masib Kaka received permission, to enter the lists, where he was awaited by a certain Khial Zanggi. After a violent struggle the unbeliever was worsted; his body was smashed upon the ground. Utbah learned the name of the heroic victor from Walid and became afraid that his whole army would be massacred. On that day about three hundred of the adversary met their death at their hands.


Marwan reported the new defeat to Yazid and requested reinforcements. Yazid’s bones slacked and his countenance darkened. He asked his followers which of them would be able to wipe out this indignity, promising that he would make him his vizier and give him any country that he might desire. Three valiant warriors, named Senan Zanggi, Bahram Zanggi, and Syahrab Zanggi, were waiting upon him. They promised to take the sons of Ali captive and were given 1,200,000 warriors and 300 crazed elephants. When they had joined Marwan they wanted to do battle immediately. Then Masib Kaka requested permission for his son Kaka Masib to fight. At first Muhammad Hanafiyyah hesitated, because this Kaka Masib was only 24 years old. In the end, however, he yielded and had him put on armour made of 44 pieces. Kaka Masib strutted the battlefield like a preening peacock. In a loud voice he challenged his opponents. Syahrab Zanggi ordered his brother to put the youth out of action. He seized Kaka Masib around his waist. Kaka Masib forced him to loosen his grip, lifted him up in the air and flung him to the ground. The two armies were amazed at how a child of hardly twenty- five years had been able to fling a valiant hero down while holding his own. Next the Negro drew his sword. Thrice Kaka Masib was able to parry it; the fourth time, however, he succeeded in cutting off all the legs of Kaka Masib’s horse. Kaka Masib jumped up and was able to continue the fight, but the Negro seized him by the knees and tried to throw him to the ground. Thereupon Kaka Masib drew his exceedingly sharp sword and ran it through his waist to the navel. Hereupon Syahrab sent his son Zahrab to fight, with the instructions to snare his neck. He threw a lasso toward Kaka Masib’s waist, but the latter was able to fend it off. Bahram tried in turn with a club but Kaka Masib side-stepped the blow and deflected it with his shield. The club landed on the ground. While Bahram was trying to pick up his weapon, Kaka Masib quickly cleft him in two with his sword. Then it was Senan Zanggi’s turn. Seated on their horses, the two heroes began to wrestle. Kaka Masib’s horse landed on the ground, after which both of them dismounted. Though kaka Masib forced his opponent to the ground, the latter was able to get up and pull him to the ground by his belt. Hereupon Kaka Masib stuck him on the breast with both knees, so that he tumbled to the ground. Kaka Masib jumped on his chest, but Senan pushed him over backwards with both hands. Kaka Masib got up and was able to evade Senan's blow by jumping up. Then Muhammad Haanafiyyah intervened, and when he approached, Senan fled hastily. Muhammad Hanafiyyah brought Kaka Masib back; the whole army praised him and Masib Kaka embraced him. The signal to stop fighting was given. Senan advised Marwan not to fight one by one but to wage collective battle. Marwan accepted his advice and conferred a robe of honour upon him. Senan promised to take the sons of Ali captive. The following day Marwan, Utbah and Ubaidullah Ziyad, with 708,000 horsemen and 700 crazed elephants, entered the fray; arranged against them were not more than 50000 horsemen. A violent battle ensued; Muhammad Hanafiyyah and Ali Akbar fought against Marwan with his almost 3,000,000 men. Umar Ali and Akil Ali made a stand against the elephants and killed them all. Masib Kaka and his son fought against Utbah and Ubaidullah Ziyad and Ibrahim Astar and his son found Senan Zanggi opposite them. Ibrahim Astar raged amidst the army of Senan Zanggi. The latter challenged him to a duel and while they were taking their positions opposite one another, the Negro ordered his troops to surround Ibrahim Astar; 108,000 horsemen carried out the encirclement; all were hit by Ibrahim Astar. In the end, however, the enemy’s superior number proved too much for him. When Hans saw this he attacked Yazid's army from the rear and broke their battle formations. Full of joy, Ibrahim Astar directed himself against Senan Zanggi and cleft him, shield and all, in two. Meanwhile, Umar Ali killed all the elephants facing him. When Marwan saw this he send all of his crazed into battle against him Umar Ali’s horse shrank back. To Marwan’s great joy he dismounted. He cut of the elephant's frontal globes, trunk and tusks.


Marwan had fled to Yazid and delivered an account of his experiences. He held the army of Muhammad Hanafiyyah to be invincible. Yazid was very upset. Marwan suggested that all the warriors be gathered and bestowed with valuables and robes of honour and that all friendly sovereigns be called upon for help. Collectively they should be able to lay hands on the enemy. Yazid agreed to this plan and sent letters to his four allies: the kings of the Franks, China, Abyssinia and Zanzibar. He placed the four letters in the hands of couriers, who set out immediately.


Yazid had already assembled 300,000 horses and 1000 elephants; the emperor of China was coming to his aid with 500,000 horses and 40,000 lasso-throwers; the king of the Franks had 700,000 horses at his command; the ruler of Zanzibar had 900,000 horses, and 900,000 horses were advancing from Abyssinia as well. Upon hearing these tidings, Muhammad kept silent for a moment and then said: Oh my brothers. If all of Yazid’s reinforcements are united, then a famine will ensure here, and the fodder for the horses and camels will become dear. What shall we do about this. One after another, the brothers stood up and declared themselves willing to advance separately against the enemy. Masib Kaka chose the Franks, Umar Ali the Chinese, Ibrahim Astar the Abyssinians and the two Turks the Negroes (Zanggi) as opponents. Muhammad would join issue with Yazid. (1)


Tughan Turk and Mughan Turk had set out to intercept the army of the Zanggi. After some time had passed their scout found the Zanggi’s army, 9,000,000 horsemen strong, camped together. He informed Mughan Turk and Tughan Turk of this. They decided upon a surprise attack. They fell upon them in the early morning. They raged amidst the enemy army and the Zanggi were seized with alarm. Many of them were killed or wounded and many of them stabbed at each other. As soon as it grew light, they fled in complete disarray back to Zanzibar. The faithful gained a great booty. On the following day they set out in great haste for Damascus.

(1) Masib Kaka chose the Franks, Umar Ali the Chinese, Ibrahim Astar the Abyssinians and the two Turks the Negroes (Zanggi) as opponents. Muhammad would join issue with Yazid.Here the brothers declare war on the complete world.

In the Northwest, Masib Kaka fights the “ Farangi ” ( Franks , Europeans ) ; in the northeast , the three Ali's take on the Chinese ; in the southwest , the Turks encounter the Abyssinians , and in the southeast , Ibrahim Astar battles the dark skinned Zangi. The central hero stands at the axis of the world and remains in contact with the unseen world through dream messages from the Prophet.