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Caius Julius Solinus (200-250 AD) De Mirabilibus Mundi

(The wonders of the world)

 Taken from: translated from http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/solinus4.html

 Chapter 55; Itinary of Indicum. The Gulf of Persia and Arabia. The Azania Sea.
Into the shore of the Rubrum Sea, two Gulfs are cut out. The one in the east is called Persian, because it borders the country of the Persian people residing in a space of sixty times hundred miles in circumference. The opposite (Gulf) where Arabia is, is called Arabicus. The ocean in which it (the Gulf) flows is here called Azanium.
Chapter 57; Babylon. From their going back to the Atlantic Ocean (the surrounding ocean) and passing the islands.....
The Sea Azanium goes all the way towards Aethiopum its shores moving all past the mountain ridges of Aethiopum and Mossylicum and then ends into the Atlantic Ocean.

Note: The periplus mentions Mossylicum as Mossyllum, a harbor for bigger ships on the northern coast of Somalia.